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The following prerequisites must be satisfied in order to run in-house.
Ensure your system meets the recommended hardware requirements and memory configuration for your in-house server.
- Review the Supported Platforms list.
- Follow the instructions on the JDK Prerequisite page to install the supported version of Java/JDK on your system and the set the Java Home Environment variable.
- Ensure that you do not have another server running on ports 8082 or 8082 or 8983
- Open a command prompt. Navigate to <frevvo-home>\solr.
- Type bin\solr.cmd start to start the Insight server. This starts the Insight server in the background, listening on port 8983.
You will see this message when the Insight server is running:
4. Browse httpshttp://<your server:port>/solr to verify the Insight server is running. The <server:port> default values are localhost:8983. Change <your server> to the server name and <your port> to the port the Insight server is running on if they are different than the defaults. Do not include the angle brackets <>. You will see the Insight server (Solr) dashboard with the current status:
- Navigate to <frevvo-home>\frevvo and double-click Start-frevvo. This starts tomcat on port 8082 8443 with pre-configured.
Open the home page in a new browser window. e.g. https://localhost:80828443/frevvo/web/login.
Info - We recommend that you use https and not http. Https is a secure channel.
- The tomcat bundle you downloaded from is pre-configured with a self-signed certificate for development and testing. This self-signed certificate enables frevvo to handle HTTPS connections out of the box. However before deploying your forms to production you may want to replace this with your own certificate.
- Login to with username admin@d and password admin.
- Enter the license key from the confirmation email in the License Key box when prompted. Click Submit. The login screen will display.
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- Browse this URL - https://<server:port>/frevvo/web/login. Use the <server:port> where you installed . The default <server:port> is localhost:80828443.
- Login to as user admin@d with the password admin.
- Click the Manage Tenants link on the page that displays.
- There is a single tenant named "d." This is the default tenant.
- Click the create a tenant. Fill in the form and submit it. The new tenant will be created. icon to