A tenant admin uses the Manage Users page to add new users, delete users, edit the properties of existing users and download/upload a csv file containing user data. Click the Manage Users link to display the user list. To the right of each user name are icons described below.
You will see this message with the number of roles and users that were created: "Users Loaded successfully. 3 Added, 1 Updated, 0 Deleted, 4 Roles Added." Uploading an empty users file displays the message "Users file is empty".
Tip |
Current Tenant Validation Error
If there are spaces in the role names in your csv file, the message "role [the name of the role that contains the space for example: V P] - format not permitted (must start with a letter or _, max 16 chars from the set: a-zA-Z0-9_- ). Remove the spaces then upload the file again.
Validate Hangs After Re-Upload CSV
When using Chrome, if you re-upload your CSV (for example, after you noticed errors on your first upload validation), you may notice that the validation does not complete.
This is a Chrome issue, and is resolved by refreshing the browser page, uploading the CSV and clicking Validate again.
View User List
Click on a capital letter (A to Z) to display a list of users whose name begins with that letter. Click All to display all current users.