Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


There are two ways you can test your forms.

Method 1: Click the Image Removed Image Addedsave and test icon from within the forms designer to save the changes to your form and automatically display the test popup window. Complete the form in the popup window to test it. When your testing is completed and the test mode screen is closed you will be returned to page in the forms/workflow designers where you clicked the save and test icon if you need to make additional changes.

Method 2: Click the Image Removed Image Added save and close icon on the Forms Designer toolbar to save the changes to your form and exit the form designer. Then click the Image Removed Image AddedTest icon for the form on the Forms and Workflows Home Page to enter Test Mode. Complete the form in the popup window to test it.


The save and test feature reduces form development time by allowing designers to test forms, business rules and mapped PDFs without leaving the form designer. Modifications needed after testing can be quickly addressed since you will still be in the form designer once you close the popup window. This is particularly helpful when building, troubleshooting, and testing forms, business rules and mapped PDFs.

When the Image Removed Image Added save and test is clicked, the form is saved in the background, and the Test popup window displays reflecting the newly saved version of your form. The form will behave exactly as it will when users access it. To test the form, just complete it as your users would and click Submit


  • An informational processing message as shown in the image is displayed after the icon is clicked until the test window opens.
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    Image Added

  • If your form contains business rules they will be validated before the test popup displays and you will see this message:
    Image Removed
    Image Added

  • If form/field validation errors are detected, closing the test popup returns you to the designer where you can quickly make corrections and retest. 

  • Save and Test checks for Rule and PDF mapping errors before the test popup displays. This gives the designer the option to correct first before saving and testing.

    • If rule validation errors are detected, the designer is notified and given the option to correct before the Test popup is displayed.
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    • If PDF mapping errors are detected, a warning message with information about the error displays.
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  • The form version increases by 1 every time you click on the save and test icon. It is reflected on the on the form edit page, when viewing/editing submissions and when you download/upload a form.


If your browser is configured to block popups, you may see this message the first time you click the Image Removed Image Added save and test icon. If so, clock ok to open the test window then check your browser settings to allow pop-ups.
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Method 2 - Save then Test

Of course, you can always click the Image Removed Image Added save and close icon to save the changes to your form but you will be returned to the Forms and Workflows home page after the changes are stored. The test popup is accessed by clicking the  Test icon. To continue making modifications to your form you must click the form name or select Edit from the  Action Menu to return to the form designer for subsequent modifications.



There are three icons in Test mode that you can use to see what your form will look like and how it will work on an iPhone or an iPad. Theses icons appear at the top of the screen - desktop, tablet and smart phone. The default view is desktop.

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Clicking on the the tablet and smart phone icons gives you an approximate view of the form on the tablet or phone. You can enter data in the Phone and Tablet views just like you can in the Desktop view to test your form. This is very helpful when designing forms for mobile devices.


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Tablet and Phone views are not precise and there may be slight differences when rendered on the actual device. It is highly recommended that you test the form on the actual device to be certain.


The designer can also display a message instructing the user what to do. This method is very helpful to users when trying to determine why a form does not submit. Refer to this topic for the details.

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Troubleshooting Hidden Required Fields


  1. Test your form and enable the developer tool. 
  2. Open the developer tool's HTML tab and search for all instances of s-invalid in the elements tab. One way to search is to click in the Elements tab and use the Ctrl-F search shortcut. This will take you to the HTML of each control in the invalid state. The control's name can be found in that HTML, indicated by cname. Each browser may be slightly different, but here is an example in the Chrome browser:
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  3. Now you can edit your form in the designer, find that control and fix the issue.


  1. Test your form and enable the developer tool.
  2. Click on the Console tab.
  3. Execute this JavaScript function _frevvo.api.forms.controls.getControlErrors(); Calling this function returns a collection of objects that describe any invalid controls including the control id, control label and the error description. In the image, you can see the reported errors for an Email, Money and Date field that contain invalid data. The controls are inside of a hidden section and are not visible to the user who is trying to Submit/Continue the form/workflow.


    This JavaScript function will only work in test mode. To execute on a step mid-workflow or even after submission, copy and paste the task or submission URL into a new browser tab, and append the URL parameter ?_test=true to the end of the URL. Now follow the steps above to see the list of controls that are invalid.

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Step 2

Once you know which control(s) are causing the problem, you can resolve it.


Refer to this article for a quick easy way to purge your test data (tasks and submissions)

Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode

If your Forms and workflows do not look or work correctly in Internet Explorer, Compatibility View may be turned on. Refer to this article for more information.