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Ensure you have downloaded the supported version of OpenJDK. Check Supported Platforms before beginning.
Stop Live FormsStop frevvo
Download the latest version of the Database Connector
- Extract the .zip file, then open the extracted folder. You should see a single file named database.war.
- Copy the database.war file to <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps.
Verify that the Database Connector configuration is correct for the new version.
- Browse the status URL http(s)://<host>:<port>/database/status. Your database configuration is successful when the status returns Passed! for each queryset.
Ensure you have downloaded the supported version of OpenJDK. Check Supported Platforms before beginning.
Stop Live FormsStop frevvo
Download the latest version of the Standalone Database Connector bundle
Install the bundle.
Verify that the Database Connector configuration is correct for the new version.
Browse http(s)://localhost:8081/database/status. Your database configuration is successful when the status returns Passed! for each queryset.
Download the latest frevvo-tomcat bundle from the frevvo website.
Download the Database Connector war file. Rename it to database.war.
Extract the tomcat bundle zipfile to a location of your choice. We will refer to this directory as <frevvo-home>.
Copy database.war to <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps.
Start the Insight server, then start Live Formsfrevvo.
- Test the connector installation by copying this URL directly into your browser:
After performing these steps you will have: successfully installed the database connector and retrieved data from the built-in test database - Log into as the superuser (admin@d, admin). Create a tenant.
- Create a designer user in the tenant
- Download the Database Connector Application, then upload it to your designer user. This application includes some example forms that demonstrate the power of the Database Connector using built-in databases.