- Navigate to the Create New Template function in Confluence. The location of this function will differ depending on the version of Confluence you are using. Consult the Confluence Documentation for your version of Confluence.
- Create a new template. Name the template Client Information Template.
- Type any descriptive information at the top of the page. The text entered will appear on the results page. In the video, the title Client Information was typed at the top of the template just below the template page name.
- Add a table to the template. Type the labels of the controls in the Client Information form in the header section of the table columns.
- Open the macro browser. Type “frevvo” in the search box. A list of the frevvo macros will display.
- Add the frevvoresolve macro to the first row of the Company Name column in the table. Change the value of the tablerow parameter from false to true if you want the information for each client to display on a new row of the table. You can find more information on this here.
- Add the name of the Company Name control in the frevvoresolve macro in the Company Name column of the table. Enclose the control name in square brackets.
- Add the frevvoresolve macro and the corresponding field names for the rest of the controls in the Client Information form.
- Save the Confluence Template.
- On the Client Information Page, click on the Edit button.
- Select Form Action then click on the Merge to Create/Update a Confluence Pagepage wizard.
- Type a name for the results page in the Results Page field and the name of the Client Information template in the Template field.
- Click Finish to exit the wizard and save your changes.
- Click Finish to save the changes to the Client Information Form and exit the designer.
- Enter data into the Client Information form and click Submit.
- The result page displays a table with the entered client information displayed in the first row of the table.
- Access the Client Information Page again. Enter information for a different client.
- The result page displays a table with the Client information from both submissions in the first and second row of the table.
- Click the izard wizard in the designer toolbar. Edit Form/flow Properties
- Click on Form Action and select the Create/Update Confluence page form action.
- Complete the wizard that pops up as shown below. Make sure that you enter the Template name exactly including spaces. For the Result Page, we are using a template {ClientName}. This is a field in the form. For example, if the field in the form contained Toyota, the generated result page in Confluence will be named Toyota. The Parent and Display pages are optional.
- Click Submit.