Task List
The Task frevvo Task List is an electronic listing of workflow tasks that require a user's attention. It is similar to an email inbox. Tasks appear on the task list for one of three reasons:
There are several ways to view your Task List. Users must log in to to frevvo to access their task list.
- appfrevvo app:
- Non-designer users will see the task list immediately upon logging in and it serves as their "home page".
- Users with the frevvo.Designer role must click on the My Tasks tab to view your tasks.
- In a frevvo portal, users will click on the Important Items tab to access the Task List.
- It is also possible to embed the Task List on your own website.
Tasks display in a small area on the left side of the screen. Clicking on an icon to perform a task-related function will display any associated screens to the right. Selected tasks will display with a blue background.
The Task List automatically reformats for optimal user experience on a mobile device.
My Tasks Menu
The My Tasks page lists your saved forms and workflows and all the workflows pending to be performed by you or pending to be performed by someone with one of your assigned roles. The header provides a menu of actions you can take:
Toggle the left side navigation bar.
Expand title Click here to see how the menu toggle works... Toggle the User Menu
The icon expands and contracts the user's navigation menu. When you click it, the left-side menu will appear with the option tabs available based on your rolefrevvo role. Contracting the menu displays just the Task List and any selected tasks, giving you more screen real estate for you your tasks.
Menu Contracted
Menu Expanded
Refresh the Task List. The expanded/contracted state of the refreshed task list will not change.
Note The Task List does not automatically refresh. Users who rely on their Task List instead of Task Notification emails should manually refresh the list regularly.
- Inbox displays a non-expanded task list.
- an a white background are pending/saved. A red background indicates tasks that have been aborted. The image shows one submitted task, two aborted tasks and two pending tasks. Recent displays all tasks you acted upon in the past 7 days. The task list is color coded. Tasks with a green background have been submitted, while those with
- Saved displays all tasks currently saved by you.
- Search for tasks you have performed in the past.
- Embed your task list in another web page.
When you view your Task List's #of # of #" at the top of of your task list. This give gives you a quick, at-a-glance view of the total tasks shown in this view. Pagination is not currently supported, so you will always "1 to <total tasks> of <total tasks>" at this time. This will also display at the top of the screen on mobile devices. The number of tasks does not appear in Task List Search results. Inbox, Recent tasks, and Saved tasks, you will see "# to
Task Order
Your tasks will be grouped by workflow. For example, all expense reports waiting for manager approval will be listed under the Expense Report workflow and vacation requests listed under Leave Request. You can manually expand or contract the tasks for a specific workflow by clicking anywhere on the workflow title bar.
Task Details
Each task displays information to help the user identify and prioritize the task.
- The frevvo user that sent the task to your Task List displays in the top left.
- The date/time that the task was navigated to the user's task list is shown on the top right. Task List time is always displayed in the Task List and Audit Trail in the user's browser's local time zone.
- The Task information message provides additional information about the task and appears in the bottom left. Task Information messages are configured by the designer for each Workflow Step, and can include run-time data from the workflow.
- add a comment, approve or reject, sign and pass it to the next user in the workflow without viewing the entire form. This icon will appear when Quick Approval is enabled by the designer. Quick View allows the user to review the task,
- task is locked by you so that only you can perform it. No other users with your role can perform this task unless you unlock it it. The icon is blue when the task is shared between multiple users, for example when the task is assigned to a role i.e. group of users. Perform the task. This icon is red when the
- workflow administrator, tenant admin or a designer user. Abort the task. The abort icon will only display if the user is a
- workflow administrator, tenant admin or a designer user. Modify allows you to send the task back to a prior step, abort, reassign or reset the task. The Modify icon will only display if the user is a
- so you can perform it later. This is visible on tasks assigned to a role , and allows a user to "take" the task. Lock the task
- and return it to the task pool. This is visible on tasks assigned to a role to the user who locked the task. Unlock the task
- , you will see all the users that have participated in the workflow thus far. For saved forms & workflows you will see an entry for each time you clicked save. Audit Trail displays the event history for this specific task. For workflows
When a task step is assigned to a role rather than a specific user, that task will simultaneously appear on the task list of all people with that role. The first person that clicks the perform or lock icon will in effect claim that task and all other users with this role can no longer perform this task. They will see the perform icon change to light blue and disabled as shown below to indicate that it cannot be clicked. View the audit trail or hover over the icons to display a tooltip with the username of the person who currently has this task locked, i.e. "locked by: sue".
Perform a Task
If the Perform icon is disabled, this indicates that the task is currently being performed by another person or that another person has clicked the lock audit trail or hover over a locked task to see who holds the lock. You can ask that person to unlock the task if you want to perform it. You can also ask your tenant administrator to unlock a task.
icon to reserve the task. When this is the case, the only person that can complete this task is the person with the lock. View theIf you see the error "Access Denied. Authentication required. Are you trying to access a private form or flow?" when clicking the Perform icon, there may be an error in the task assignment, form/workflow Access Control, or Task List URL in a portal. Notify the form/workflow designer that you are receiving this error.
Tip |
Quick Approval does not lock the task. |
Let's consider a Leave Approval workflow with two activities: the first step is a form which collects the pertinent information about the Leave request - employee name, starting date and duration of leave, etc. This step is filled out by any employee requesting a leave. The second step is a form that has a section named Manager Approval with a text area control for comments. The designer has setup the Quick Approval feature for this step in the workflow and assigned the role of manager to it. When a manager clicks the Quick View icon, the Manager step displays as shown:
You will see the following on the Quick Approval Screen:
- A summary text area that can be used to give a description of the task at the top. This is configurable by the designer and can include form data. See Setup Quick Approval for the details.
A text area in which the person who is viewing the task can enter a comment. Entering a comment on the Quick View screen is the same as typing the comment directly into the form.
- The Approve button flashes a "Please Wait" message and then displays "Task successfully approved" when clicked. The workflow moves to the next step. The task will disappear from your task list.
- The Reject button returns the task to the step selected from the Prior Activity dropdown. A reason for the rejection must be provided. The message "Task successfully rejected" will display.
- The Details button will display the form as usual. This action is identical to clicking on the perform this task icon. Clicking on the Details button will lock the task.
Here is the Audit Trail for a Leave Request form. This shows that the workflow was started by Tom, and assigned to Jerry. Jerry rejected it back to Tom asking for more information. Tom saved his step, then updated it and sent the workflow forward to Jerry, who approved it and sent it to the Role "Finance." Sue, who has the Finance role, saved this step to her own task list, then later performed her step. Since Sue's was the final step, the workflow was submitted.
This next Leave Request was submitted by Tom, and assigned to Jerry. Since Jerry is on PTO, the workflow admin, Megan, reassigned the task to Trevor. However, then Tom was feeling better and asked the workflow admin to abort the task altogether.
Mortgage Application
View My Task
Users logged into are frevvo are able to view workflow steps that they performed by clicking the View My Task icon in the Audit Trail. When you are viewing your task, you may notice the read-only view watermark. This is to remind you that you can view the information but can not make changes to it. You will not see this icon for rejected tasks, tasks that have been reset/reassigned/aborted by a tenant or workflow admin, or tasks that have been saved to your Task List.
Additionally, users who can view the task (participant, workflow admin, or tenant admin) and have View Submission or Edit Submission permissions will see the View icon for all tasks and may click it for the same read-only view of the workflow.
Let's say you submitted a Leave Approval Request to your manager and you want to view the information that you entered. You are not sure if your manager has approved it or if your request is pending your Manager's approval (pending state).
Here is how you find it:
- Login Log in to your tenantfrevvo tenant.
- Click on My Tasks (or if you are using a portalfrevvo portal, click the Important Items tab, then Task List.)
- Click the Search icon
- On the "eave the default selection "Participant."
- Type a keyword from the name of the workflow you are looking for, i.e. "time". A list of possible matches appears. Select the correct one. Click Submit.
- Search for your task in the returned List.
- Click the
- Click the
- Click the Audit Trail icon again to return to the Task List.
The new employee completes the first four steps and sends the workflow to HR for processing.
The Audit Trail will show the
View icon on the step pending for HR. By default, the screenflow will appear as a single event in the Audit Trail.However, if you have Save on Navigate checked in the Workflow Settings, the Audit Trail will show a SAVED event for each screenflow step. This allows the user to return to the last completed step, even if they navigated away from the workflow. The View icon will be on the last step only but when clicked it will open the screenflow on the first task step.
The employee clicks the
View icon and the workflow opens on the Employee Information step. The employee clicks the Next button to navigate through all four screenflow steps....
Note |
If a task is loaded from the task list but not submitted, the lock will be released when that user's frevvo session expires or the user logs out. You can set the Session Timeout in your in-house installationfrevvo installation. Tenant Admins can manually end sessions using the Manage Sessions page. |
Some tasks do not display lock/unlock icons. A workflow step assigned specifically to you, rather than a role, must be performed by only you. In this sense, such a workflow is inherently locked for only you to perform. The same is true for saved forms and tasks. Saved forms must be performed, completed, and submitted by the person that saved them. They cannot be unlocked back to a pool of users to complete.
Once a task is locked, all other users with this role can no longer perform this task. They will see the perform icon for this task is light blue to indicate that it cannot be clicked. If you hover over these icons to a tool tip with the username of the person who currently has this task locked displays. If a task is currently locked, the last entry in the Audit Trail will show who locked it and when. You can ask that person or your tenant administrator to unlock the task if you want to perform it.
Lock/Unlock on Mobile
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To lock/unlock a task on a mobile device, touch the Edit button on the Task List. Check the checkbox that appears to the left of the task. Touch Lock to lock the task or Unlock to unlock the task. This checkbox is not available for Saved Forms/Workflows. A task that is locked by you displays a green dot. If another user has the task locked, a red dot displays indicating you cannot perform it. |
Modify a Task
Tenant/workflow admins and designer users have special modify permissions. They can:
In many real-world workflows such as a loan or job application, the first one or more steps are often performed by people that do not have a user account in the tenantfrevvo tenant. You can send the workflow back to this person by selecting Assign to: an email address. All signatures in workflow steps along the way will be removed - the user will have to sign again. You cannot reset a task to a Summary Step.
On occasion, there may be a reason to abort a task. Only the tenant admin, workflow admin, or designer user can abort a task. The modify and abort icons only appear on these users' task list.
- Click the abort this task icon
Click the
modify this task icon, then check "Yes" for Abort this task?
The tenant admin must perform a search to locate the task then click the abort this task icon.
Clicking abort this task displays the following message to confirm the abort:
Note |
The warning message will not be displayed when you abort a task in the modify this task dialogue. However, the abort action performed this way is still irreversible. |
The tenant/workflow admin clicks the icon. To move this saved form to a different user's task list, enter the user id of the person you want to assign it to by checking the user choice radio button in the Assign to: control. Type a username in that field and all users beginning with the letter you have entered appear as dropdown choices. Enter the reason for the reassignment in the Reason field and click submit. In the image below the workflow admin, Jerry has reassigned the task to the username jill.
Now when Sally next logs into her account frevvo account she'll no longer see this saved form on her task list. When the user jill logs into she frevvo she will see Sally's saved form on her task list and can perform, complete and submit the form.
A "Task Successfully Modified" Message displays.
An email is sent to the new email address with a link to the Approval step of the workflow. If the original recipient clicks the link in the email that they received, they will see a message informing them that the submission has already been processed.
The Task Search history only displays forms and workflows which have the Show in History property enabled. This property is configured by the form or workflow designer. If you don't see a form appearing in your history, contact your tenant administrator or the workflow designer and ask them to enable this feature.
You can only search for tasks of one form or workflow. You can search for tasks by:
Start your search by choosing your role in the workflow you are searching. A Participant is someone who is assigned or completed any step of the workflow. A Workflow Admin is a user who has "Administer the Workflow" Access Control. The default selection is Participant.
Info | ||
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Start typing the name of the form/workflow and a list of matching forms/workflows that you have access to will appear. This field accepts a maximum of 256 characters. If you do not see the form/workflow you are looking for, check that a) you are searching for the correct name of the form/workflow, and b) that you either were a participant in the form/workflow, or have "Who can administer the workflow" access control to it. |
If all the Submission Status boxes are unchecked and the Submit button is clicked, the following warning displays:
This message will clear if you click the Reset button.
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Workflows only appear in your search results if you performed one or more steps in the workflow. Workflows will NOT appear in your search results just because it was at one point in time on your task list but was performed by a user other than you. For example, if a workflow is on your task list because you have the role (ex: Managers) to which a particular workflow step is assigned, but this step is performed by another user with that role, then this task will not appear in your search list.
If no matching tasks are found as a result of your search, you will see this message:
By Tenant Admin
Select a Form/Workflow from the search box (type a keyword and select from matching options) and the Filter Form/Workflow by data table becomes visible and enabled. The Filter Form/Workflow by data topic explains how to set up filters using form/workflow fields.
The tenant admin search screen includes an additional For Admin User Only section. This section gives the tenant admin the ability to search tasks by user name, tasks by a particular user in a locked state and all locked tasks
Users that are designated as Workflow Admins for individual workflows see this screen when they click the Search icon. When searching for tasks, if a workflow is chosen, and the user is a workflow admin for it, then all tasks for that workflow display. If no workflow is selected, then all tasks, even those that the workflow admin has not participated in, plus tasks for which the user is a workflow admin will display.
Embedding Your Task List
The task list can be made conveniently available on your own website. By embedding the task list you can access your tasks without having to log in to the frevvo web UI directly. This gives the feel that the task list is part of your company portal. To do this click on the
Embed icon and copy the task list embed script into your web page.Here is how an embedded tasks list looks. Even when embedded, the task list is always protected by a login dialog. So if If you have not already authenticated to you frevvo you will be prompted to enter your username frevvo username and password. The login then automatically redirects each person to their own personal task list.
Info |
LDAP SSO customers must make one change to the script to successfully embed the Task List in your website. Replace the {tn.id} in the script with your tenant id. The example shows a modified script for a tenant named ldap: Original script: <script src="https://app.frevvo.com:443/frevvo/web/embed?resize=true&container=true&border=false&url=https://app.frevvo.com:443/frevvo/web/tn/{tn.id}/subject/{subject.id}/tasks%3fembed=true%26container=true%26resize=true" Script modified with tenant name: <script src="https://app.frevvo.com:443/frevvo/web/embed?resize=true&container=true&border=false&url=https://app.frevvo.com:443/frevvo/web/tn/ldap/subject/{subject.id}/tasks%3fembed=true%26container=true%26resize=true" |
Tomcat 8.5 doesn't allow curly braces in URLs since they are not valid URL chars and deemed a security vulnerability. currently support frevvo currently supports parenthesis as well as curly braces. However, if you are embedding forms, workflows or the Task List in your website, change the markup to use parenthesis (). Support for curly braces {} will be dropped in a future release.