Section | |||||||||||||
These steps assume you have already installed the frevvo-tomcat bundle and the Database Connector and have verified that the connector is up and running.
- Stop frevvo. You do not have to stop the Insight Server.
Create a folder named <frevvo-home>\config i.e. c:\frevvo\config.
Create the file <frevvo-home>\config\configuration.xml. Your SQL statements will be added to this file.
Copy/Paste the follow following text into configuration.xml. This skeleton defines test querysets named myStore and BIRT to get you started.
Code Block <dbconnector> <queryset name="myStore"> </queryset> <queryset name="BIRT"> </queryset> </dbconnector>
Create the file <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\dbconnector.properties. If this file already exists you will add your database datasource properties to it.
- Copy/Paste one of the two following samples into dbconnector.properties.
Edit the frevvo.connectors.database.configuration line to be the path to your configuration.xml file.
Code Block title Use this sample if all querysets use the same database frevvo.connectors.database.configuration=file:///C:/frevvo/config/configuration.xml dbconnector.queryset.resource-def.url=<the url to your database> dbconnector.queryset.resource-def.user=<your database username> dbconnector.queryset.resource-def.password=<your database password>
The @myStore and @BIRT in the this sample will be your queryset names in your configuration.xml
Code Block title Use this sample if querysets use different databases frevvo.connectors.database.configuration=file:///C:/frevvo/config/configuration.xml dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.url=<the url to your database #1> dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.user=<your database username> dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.password=<your database password> dbconnector.queryset@BIRT.resource-def.url=<the url to your database #2> dbconnector.queryset@BIRT.resource-def.user=<your database username> dbconnector.queryset@BIRT.resource-def.password=<your database password>
Your Datasource Properties depend on your JDBC driver type. To see examples of Datasource Definitions,Expand title Click here MySQL example
This sample shows a configuration.xml queryset named "alltest" against a MySql database named "test" where the database login user is "root" and the password is "root".
Code Block dbconnector.queryset@alltest.resource-def.url=jdbc:mysql://<your database server>:<port>/test dbconnector.queryset@alltest.resource-def.user=root dbconnector.queryset@alltest.resource-def.password=root
SQL Server Example
This example connects to a SQL Server driver
Code Block dbconnector.queryset@BIRT.resource-def.url=jdbc:sqlserver://<your database server>;DatabaseName=<your database name> dbconnector.queryset@BIRT.resource-def.user=<your database user> dbconnector.queryset@BIRT.resource-def.password=<your database password>
SQL jTDS Example
This example connects to SQL Server using the jTDS driver. The jTDS driver requires the additional validationQuery property.
Code Block dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.url=jdbc:sqlserver://<your database server>:<port>;DatabaseName=<your database name> dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.user=<your database name> dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.password=<your database password> dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.validationQuery=SELECT 1
If your SQL server has multiple SQL named instances, use the url instance parameter as shown here for an instance named xyzzy.
Code Block dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.url=jdbc:sqlserver://<your database server>:<port>;DatabaseName=<your database name>;instance=xyzzy
Oracle 11g
This example connects to an Oracle 11g driver.
Code Block dbconnector.queryset@mystore.resource-def.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<your database server>:<port>:ServiceName dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.user=<your database user> dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.password=<your database password>
Restart Restart frevvo
- Browse the status urlhttp://<host>:<port>/database/status
- Your skeleton database configuration is successful when the status returns Passed! for each queryset.
- You are now ready to define your SQL Queries.
- Stop the Standalone Database Connector
Navigate to the <db-home>\database-connector-2.5.x\config directory.
Create the a file named configuration.xml.
Copy/Paste the following text into configuration.xml. This skeleton defines test querysets named myStore and BIRT to get you started.
Code Block <dbconnector> <queryset name="myStore"> </queryset> <queryset name="BIRT"> </queryset> </dbconnector>
Edit <db-home>\database-connector-2.5.x\config\dbconnector.properties. The dbconnector.properties file is where you can customize database connection properties (such as server port) and configure datasource definitions.
Copy/Paste one of the two following samples under the server.port property.
Code Block title Use this sample if all querysets use the same database # Customize the DbConnector here logging.file=./logs/database-connector.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log server.port=8081 dbconnector.queryset.resource-def.url=<the url to your database> dbconnector.queryset.resource-def.user=<your database username> dbconnector.queryset.resource-def.password=<your database password>
The @myStore and @BIRT in the this sample will be your queryset names in your configuration.xml
Code Block title Use this sample if querysets use different databases # Customize the DbConnector here logging.file=./logs/database-connector.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log server.port=8081 dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.url=<the url to your database #1> dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.user=<your database username> dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.password=<your database password> dbconnector.queryset@BIRT.resource-def.url=<the url to your database #2> dbconnector.queryset@BIRT.resource-def.user=<your database username> dbconnector.queryset@BIRT.resource-def.password=<your database password>
Your Datasource Properties depend on your JDBC driver type. To see examples of Datasource Definitions,
Expand title Click here MySQL example
This sample shows a configuration.xml queryset named "alltest" against a MySql database named "test" where the database login user is "root" and the password is "root".
Code Block dbconnector.queryset@alltest.resource-def.url=jdbc:mysql://<your database server>:<port>/test dbconnector.queryset@alltest.resource-def.user=root dbconnector.queryset@alltest.resource-def.password=root
SQL Server Example
This example connects to a SQL Server driver
Code Block dbconnector.queryset@BIRT.resource-def.url=jdbc:sqlserver://<your database server>;DatabaseName=<your database name> dbconnector.queryset@BIRT.resource-def.user=<your database user> dbconnector.queryset@BIRT.resource-def.password=<your database password>
SQL jTDS Example
This example connects to SQL Server using the jTDS driver. The jTDS driver requires the additional validationQuery property.
Code Block dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.url=jdbc:sqlserver://<your database server>:<port>;DatabaseName=<your database name> dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.user=<your database name> dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.password=<your database password> dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.validationQuery=SELECT 1
If your SQL server has multiple SQL named instances, use the url instance parameter as shown here for an instance named xyzzy.
Code Block dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.url=jdbc:sqlserver://<your database server>:<port>;DatabaseName=<your database name>;instance=xyzzy
Oracle 11g
This example connects to an Oracle 11g driver.
Code Block dbconnector.queryset@mystore.resource-def.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<your database server>:<port>:ServiceName dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.user=<your database user> dbconnector.queryset@myStore.resource-def.password=<your database password>
Restart the connector using one of these methods:
- Method 1: Using java in a command window
- Navigate to <db-home>\database-connector-2.5.x .Type java -jar database.war
- Method 2: for Windows OS
Double click the <db-home>\database-connector-2.5.x\Install-Service.bat file to install the connector as a Windows service. Click the Start-DBConnector-Service.bat file to start it
Expand title Click to see standalone bundle content details Excerpt The Standalone Database Connector bundle includes the files shown in the image:
Note the files in the database-connector-2.5.x directory that are used to manage the Database Connector as services on *nix and Windows operating systems: These files should be run as an administrator.
Install-Service.bat - installs the Database Connector on a Windows system as a service named frevvo Database Connector.
Uninstall-service.bat - uninstalls the frevvo Database Connector on a Windows operating system
Start-DB Connector-Service.bat - starts the frevvo Database Connector on a Windows operating system
Start-DBConnector.sh - starts the frevvo Database Connector as a *nix console instance.
Restart-DBConnector-Service.bat - restarts the frevvo Database Connector on a Windows operating system
Restart-DBConnector.sh - restarts the frevvo Database Connector as a *nix console instance.
Stop-DBConnector-Service.bat - stops the frevvo Database Connector on a Windows operating system.
Stop-DbConnector.sh - stops the frevvo Database Connector *nix console instance.
- Method 3: for *nix OS
- Execute the DB Connector.sh shell script for Unix/Linux operating systems.
- Method 4: for Linux
- The Database Connector can also run as a service under Linux systemd
- The Database Connector can also run as a service under Linux systemd
Expand title Click here for the details It is possible to manage the Database Connector using systemd ‘service’ scripts.
- Copy the sample service file located in /bin/dbconnector.service to /etc/systemd/system
- Review it's contents and
- Make sure it is executable.
You can now use systemd to manage the dbconnector service:
systemctl start dbconnector.service
systemctl stop dbconnector.service
systemctl restart dbconnector.service
systemctl status dbconnector.service
To flag the service to start automatically on system boot use the following command:
Code Block systemctl enable dbconnector.service
Consult the service unit configuration man page for more details.
- Method 1: Using java in a command window
Browse http://localhost:8081/database/status
Your skeleton database configuration is successful when the status returns Passed! for each queryset.
- You are now ready to define your SQL Queries.
A database URL is a Universal Resource Locator (URL) that specifies a particular type of database server compatible with the JDBC driver you installed. In addition you can also specify the database name to use for the connection. The format for the database URL is database driver specific. For example, the correct format for a MySQL database is:
jdbc:mysql://[host][:port optional]/[database name]
Check with your database administrator or the documentation for your database drive for details on the correct database URL format.
Can I add other parameters to the database URL?
If you prefer to define your datasources on the container level, the recommended approach is to define the datasource in the container and then use a resource-ref in the Database Connector properties file to reference it.
frevvo only supports/certifies the Database Connector running in the Apache Tomcat container. Refer to our Supported Platforms for the list of Application Servers and databases supported/certified by frevvo.
Add the enabled= attribute with a value of false to the <querySet/> or individual <query> elements in the configuration.xml file to completely disable it.
Code Block <dbconnector> <querySet name="BIRT" enabled="false" ...>
The same can be done by adding the enabled property with a value of false as shown below to the dbconnector.properties(standalone bundle) or dbconnector.properties (tomcat bundle).
Code Block dbconnector.querySet@<queryset name>.enabled=false
This property disables all querysets. Add it to the dbconnector.properties(standalone bundle) or dbconnector.properties (tomcat bundle).
Code Block dbconnector.querySet.enabled=false