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These steps are required when you convert from a demo/trial server installation to a production installation.


While you are demo-ing you do not need to do the Database Setup steps discussed below.

Your  server requires an SQL database for storing users and form submissions. The follow SQL databases have been certified:

The server may function with other SQL database types but only the above set has been certified.


The default HSQLDB is ONLY sufficient for demo/trial versions of . All production users MUST switch their software to a production quality database.

The following steps describe how to change the underlying database from the demo/trial HSQLDB to a production quality SQL database. The database configuration file frevvo.xml is located in <frevvo-home>/frevvo/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost directory.


On This page:

Table of Contents


Select your database type



There is now a parameter for org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass which is configured for SQL and Oracle databases. 


Configure the frevvo database


The frevvo database below must be created with UTF-8 encoding.

For the frevvo you selected database type in frevvo.xml:

  1. Locate the frevvoDS data source url parameter:url=. For SQL Server it would look like this: "url="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=frevvo". You can change the name "frevvo" to whatever you wish, "" for example. But it must match the database name you create in your SQL server. See verify connection Url below.
  2. Create a UTF-8 encoded database "frevvo" (assuming you left the url parameter database name as the default) in your SQL server
  3. Set the frevvoDS data source parameters username and password to a user that has write permissions to the frevvo database.
  4. The frevvo database setup is now complete.  will create all the necessary tables upon startup.


Configuration of the connection Url is key to successfully connect the  server to your database. Consult your DBA to assist with connection issues.

For the data source frevvoDS you selected database type in frevvo.xml:

1) Verify that the "url" parameter is pointing to the correct server. If  and the database server are collocated "localhost" may be fine.
