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Drag a Summary step anywhere in your flow. This will simply display a Summary view of all the data that has been entered into the various steps of the flow prior to the Summary step. Previously completed activities in a workflow can be viewed by all users but editing data is only allowed for the currently logged in user. Clicking on the Details button navigates to the selected activity for viewing/editing. Refer to Flow Processing Modes for more information.
The Print button is available on Summary steps by default. Refer to Printing Flows for the details.
HTTP Wait-Notify is a new type of activity that can be added to a flow. It is configured with a post url. The flow data is posted to this url when the task is executed. A call back url is included in the post. The flow and task are suspended until the receiver posts back. Y
Email activities can be performed by an anonymous user.
- An anonymous activity cannot be performed twice. If you click the link again, it will give you an error.
- The anonymous email activity will show up in the navigation bar for other users as usual; you can assign it a decorator but you cannot click on it.
- The task will show up in the Audit Trail in the Waiting state when it is waiting for an anonymous recipient. You can search for it, do all the usual things.
- Users can reject anonymous steps in a flow by clicking the Reject button but a subsequent user cannot reset a flow back to these steps. See the topic below for more information.
If navigation is used to go to previous activity, the EMail activity will be skipped. It would get recalled if you reset to a prior step and the flow continues thru it's normal flow.
Configure a History Message on the activity before the Email activity if you want to see relevant information in the audit trail. The History Message can be templatized so you can see who the email address of the recipient.
Email Properties
When you drag/drop an Email activity into your flow and click on it, a Properties panel displays. The Name, Pending Message and Decorator properties work exactly like they do on other types of activities. Task Info and Precondition do not apply and if you want to set up a History Message you must do so on the step in your flow that the anonymous user is going to see. Note the envelope decorator to identify the Email activity in the flow.
Activity Doc Actions work exactly like they do on other types of activities.
When you click on the step in your flow that is seen by the anonymous user, a Properties pane displays. Several of these properties, do not apply to a task performed by a non-authenticated person and will have no effect. These properties are: Role List, Role, User, Task Info, CSS class, Preconditon, Save Load, Save to Role, and Save to User and . You can customize the button label, history message and select a decorator for this task that will display on the Navigation toolbar.
The Task Notification Email wizard also works exactly like it does on other types of activities except that the default message content is slightly different. It references {task.notify.url} which is the back link URL that the non-authenticated person clicks in the email to perform their step in the workflow. The designer can customize this message however, if you don't include the {task.notify.url} in your email content, the email recipient will never be able to access the task.
Resetting a Flow with an Email Activity
Consider a flow with the following navigation: Step 1 is performed by an Employee > Step 2 is an Email activity > Step 3 is performed by an Anonymous user > Step 4 is performed by a manager.
- Employee starts flow, email gets sent, the anonymous step is performed and a task is generated for manager.
- A flow cannot be reset to the Email or Anonymous user step. In this example, only a reset to the employee step is allowed.
- The Employee performs the step again and clicks Continue. The Email activity is performed again and another email will go to the anonymous user.
The same behavior applies to a flow with an HTTP activity.
Searching Tasks with an Email Activity