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When you click on any step in the flow, the Properties panel displays properties (settings) for that step. The Properties panel is displayed in the lower-left portion of the Flow Designer. 

Each activity property setting is described below.  


On This Page:

Table of Contents


Steps performed by the same user in a flow is referred to as a screenflow. Steps performed by the same user separated by Email/Anonymous steps are considered to be a separate workflow tasks. For example, consider a Purchase Order flow with the following navigation: Step 1 is performed by Sales employee > Step 2 is an Email activity > Step 3 is performed by an Anonymous user > Step 4 is performed by the same Sales employee that performed Step 1. You can configure a Reject button on the Sales step that will function even though the Step 1 and 4 were performed by the same user.

Currently it is not possible to customize the reject email notification. The reason for the reject constitutes the body of the email. The ability to specify a custom reject message will be available in a future release.

Click here for an example showing how the Easy Reject feature works.


  1. Click on the form in your flow where you want to set up escalation criteria
  2. Click on Setup Escalation link in the Properties pane. The wizard will display.
  3. Multiple escalation triggers can be setup for the same step in a flow by clicking the  plus icon.

  4. Select a condition from the dropdown. There are 4 choices:

    1. Perform By - A ‘Perform By’ escalation is deleted/completed when the step is performed by an owner (typically, clicking the perform icon on the task in the users task list and either saving/locking the task before the configured due date.
    2. Perform Within - A 'Perform Within' escalation is deleted/ completed when the step is performed by an owner (typically, clicking the perform icon on the task in the users task list and either saving/locking the task) before the configured duration.
    3. Complete By - A 'Complete By’ escalation is deleted/completed when the current step is completed (typically, clicking the 'Continue'/'Finish' button on a form step) before the configured due date.
    4. Complete Within - A 'Complete Within' escalation is deleted/completed when the current step is completed (typically, clicking the 'Continue'/'Finish' button on a form step) before the configured duration.

  5. Selecting the Perform By or Complete By conditions displays the following screen:
    1. The Due Date control dropdown displays all date controls in your form. Select from one of these choices or check the Use Fixed Date checkbox to enter a date/time as the deadline.

  6. Selecting Perform Within or Complete Within displays this screen:
    1. Specify the amount of time the user has to perform or completed the task in Days, Hours or Minutes.

  7. Once the condition is selected,  you will see these additional sections on the screen:
    1. Then reassign the task
    2. Then Send Notifications
    3. Send Reminders as Condition is Approaching

  8. If the condition specified is not met, then you must specify Reassignment of the task to a different user/role or Notification to the user/role it is currently assigned to that the deadline has expired.  You can configure both but at least one of these actions is required.
  9. Reassignment sends the task to the user/role selected if the deadline is passed. Selecting Reassignment displays the following:

    1. Select whether the task will be reassigned to a Role, User or Unlock to Role: 
      1. If you select Role or User, then you must list it in the Assigne(s) field. Type ahead to display the Roles/Users in your tenant that begin with the letter you are typing and select from the list or enter comma separated templates. Remember that  userids and roles are case sensitive.
      2. Unlock to Role - This option unlocks the task. Use this option for a step in your flow that has a role assigned to it and you want to handle the situation where one user with that role has the task locked and the deadline for the task has passed. Selecting Unlock to Role unlocks the task and keeps it on the Task list of all users with the role after the deadline expires. Now it can be performed by any user with the specified role again.
        For example, let's say you have a step in your flow that is assigned the manager role. Users Jerry and Jim are managers so the task shows up on both their task lists. Jerry clicks the Perform icon but he does not complete the step. The task remains on his task list and it is locked by him. If Jim tries to access the task or checks the Audit Trail he will see that the task is locked by Jerry. The deadline to complete the task passes. If Unlock to Role is selected as the reassignment option, the task remains on the task list of users with the manager role, in this case, Jerry and Jim, but it is unlocked and the audit trail shows a status of pending. Now it can be performed by any user with the manager role again.

      3. Reassigned users receive the Task Information email specified by the designer. So be sure to Setup Task Notification Email for the step in your flow where you assigned escalations and you want to reassign the task after the deadline.

  10. Selecting Notifications displays the following screen:

      1. Select whether a Role, User or the Current Owners from the Recipient Type dropdown to specify who will receive email notification reminders when the deadline is reached.

      2. If you select Role or User, then you must list them in the Recipient(s) field. Type ahead to display the Roles/Users in your tenant that begin with the letter you are typing and select from the list. or enter comma separated templates. Remember that   userids and roles are case sensitive.

      3. Current Owners refers to user(s) who currently have the task on their task list.

      4. The subject and body of the notification email are shown in the Subject and Messages sections. You can customize the email message by adding controls from your form. Select them from the Control dropdown.  provides built-in templates that can be used in escalation emails. See the list below

      1. Emails that serve as reminders as the deadline approaches are configured in the Reminder section. 

    1. Select Potential Owners from the Recipient Type dropdown. This is the only choice. This refers to the user(s) who currently have the task on their task list.
    2. Specify the interval between reminders by entering the number of reminders in the Every field and select Days, Hours or Minutes from the Unit dropdown.
    3. You can limit the number of reminders by checking the Limit Reminder checkbox and entering the number of reminders closer to the deadline in the Occurence(s) field. If you enter a negative number in this field by mistake,  will change it to a 1 when you exit the field.
    4. The message for the reminder emails are shown in the Subject and Message sections. You can customize the email message by adding controls from your form. Select them from the Control dropdown.  provides built-in templates that can be used in escalation emails. See the list below.
  11. Click the Submit button to save your setup. 

Templates Provided for Escalation Emails

Here is a list of templates that can be used in escalation emails:

    • {}
    • {}
    • {flow.activity.escalation.duedate} - provides the deadline due date in GMT timezone
    • {flow.activity.escalation.condition} - resolves to either 'start' or 'complete' depending on the condition value.
    • {flow.activity.assignee} - current user/role
    • {flow.activity.escalation.reassignee} - resolves to the new user/role that the task is assigned to.

For example, when a task is reassigned, you may want to specify the user/role that the task is being reassigned to (reassignee) in the email to avoid confusion. Simply add some text with this template in the Notification message section:  {flow.activity.escalation.reassignee}.

Escalations and Screenflows

Screenflows are steps in a workflow that are performed by the same user. Consider a New Employee On-boarding workflow where steps 1 - 5 are designed to collect the Personal Information, W - 4 Allowances, State Allowances, Health Insurances preferences and Banking Information. Step 6 in the flow is routed to the new employee's manager and step 7 is routed to HR for final processing. Steps 6 and 7 are not part of the screenflow as they are performed by users other than the new employee.

Think of the 5 steps of the screenflow as one task. Escalation for the screenflow task will work as long as you define the escalation on the first step of the screenflow task. The escalation configured on the first step of the screenflow applies to all steps of the screenflow. For example, if a Complete Within 2 days escalation is configured on Step 1 of screenflow, then the escalation is triggered if the whole screenflow is not completed within 2 days. 


If the first steps of a workflow consist of a screen flow then in order for escalation triggers to get created you must configure the flow to use the Save on Navigate and/or Task for First Step properties.


Escalation Example:

Let's consider a Time Sheet workflow consisting of 3 steps: 
  • The employee accesses the Time Sheet workflow, fills in the form, signs it and clicks Continue. Live Forms sends that employee's manager a notification via email
  • The manager clicks on the notification [on any device], views the Time Sheet approval request and approves it or sends it back for corrections.
  • If approved by the manager, the workflow is routed to employees in the payroll department for final processing. 

In this example, the designer has configured a 10 minute interval for the Manager to approve/reject the task. The Setup Escalation screen is shown below:

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Employee William submits his Time Sheet at 12:55 PM. The deadline to complete this task is 1:05 PM. William's Manager Jerry receives a Task Notification email notifying him there is a task that requires his attention. The email includes a link he can use to access it.

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In this example, the deadline to complete the task is 1:05 PM. Based on the setup of the Reminder(s) section shown above, Jerry will receive 3 reminders every 3 minutes as the deadline approaches. The emails contain a link that Jerry can click to get to the task. The first one arrives as 12:56 PM, the second at 12:59 PM and the final reminder before the deadline arrives at 1:02 PM.

At 1: 05 PM, the task is removed from Jerry's task list since it was not completed in the allotted time and is routed to the task list of any users with the role of Supervisor. Jerry receives an email informing him that the deadline for the task has expired and the task is now assigned to any user with the role of Supervisor.

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Reassigned users receive the Task Information email specified by the designer. So be sure to  for the step in . SetupTaskNotificationEmail

When Jack, a user with the role of Supervisor, access his task list he will see a task sent to him by the system and the Audit Trail shown in the image:
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Activity Document Actions


Normally, when you click Save to save a partially completed flow, the saved flow will only appear on your own task list. If you check this box, then the saved flow is assigned to the user that is specified in the Users property. When you use this feature the User property should contain a template. For example, you may have form that needs to be reviewed and approved in an ad-hoc manner. See the flow example Ad-hoc workflow: pass activities between arbitrary users for a deeper understanding of this feature. In this manner, you can create a step in a flow that loops several times and that dynamically routes to different people before continuing.

Fast Finish

The Fast Finish feature is useful for workflows with many steps. If a user navigates to a previous activity to change data, Fast Finish eliminates the need for the user to click the Continue button on the remaining steps of the flow to resubmit it with the changed data. Fast Finish can be selected at the flow level or at the activity level. Refer to this feature announcement for more information.

Email Address

This property only applies to the Email activity. Enter a valid email address to send an email to a non-authenticated user as a step in a flow.  Clicking on the Email activity and the task performed by the anonymous user in the Flow Designer, display Property panels. Not all of the properties are functional for these activities. .
