Info |
There are many industry standards governing the process to generate and install SSL certificates, and it’s common to encounter different types of keystores, keys, and certificate formats. Customers installing a DocuPhase Forms or Connector application must provide their own server security resource and we strongly recommend following documentation from your Certificate Authority (CA). The following documentation can guide this process, but your experience may differ. DocuPhase is not responsible for certificate generation, installation or management. |
In order to generate an SSL certificate, you will need one of the following:
A domain (recommended). This is often your company domain with a subdomain to represent the forms server, e.g. forms.mycompany.com.
After selecting a domain, you must log in to the management panel for your domain provider and set the DNS records so that the domain points to the current public IP of your forms server.
A public IP address
Generate a Certificate
Next, choose a Certificate Authority. You may already work with a CA for your organizations other servers. Some common CA’s are GoDaddy, DigiCert, and Let’s Encrypt but there are many and no particular one is required or recommended by DocuPhase.
Follow your CA’s documentation to generate a certificate. They will usually require you to generate a provide a .csr (certificate request). Here are some tips for doing so:
Create a keystore
Run a command prompt as administrator.
Use the *cd* command to go to the folder containing the keystore application. Usually, this will in the OpenJDK installation directory, e.g.
Code Block C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin\keytool.exe
Enter the following command (put everything on a single line, change folders if needed). Replace <path> with the path to the directory where you’d like to store your keys. For example, C:\Users\Nancy\ssl
Code Block keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore <path>\forms.mycompany.com.keystore
You will be asked to enter some values. Please record the keystore and key password(s) that you generate, as you will need this to configure your forms/connector application later. You’ll be prompted to confirm the values you entered - do so by typing “y” and enter.
You should now have a new keystore ready with an unsigned certificate, located at the path you specified above.
Next, you’ll generate a certificate signature request (.csr) to request the CA sign your certificate. On the command line, please enter the following command:
Code Block keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -file <path>\forms.mycompany.com.csr -keystore <path>\forms.mycompany.com.keystore
You will be prompted to enter the master password for the keystore, which you created above.
Now you have a new file in your directory named forms.mycompany.com.csr.
Follow your CA’s process for providing the .csr. After the CA is done with processing your request, you should receive a set of signed (verified) certificates, which can now be added back to the keystore. Place them in a subdirectory of the directory your .csr and keystore are in, named ‘signed’ for clarity.
Signed Certificates to your
You now have to add each certificate that you have received from your CA back to the keystore. Most likely you have received three files: the CA’s certificate, an intermediate certificate and the one which applies to your domain (IP). Please use keytool.exe
again to add them using the commands below. Please keep in mind, that for this tutorial our CA has supplied us with three files (AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt, PositiveSSLCA2.crt and forms_mycompany_com.crt), and we have stored them in a subdirectory of our original directory named ‘signed’.
Code Block |
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias AddTrustExternalCARoot -file <path>\signed\AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt -keystore <path>\forms.mycompany.com.keystore
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias PositiveSSLCA2 -file <path>\signed\PositiveSSLCA2.crt -keystore <path>\forms.mycompany.com.keystore
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias mykey -file <path>\signed\forms_mycompany_com.crt -keystore <path>\forms.mycompany.com.keystore |
This can also be accomplished similarly using openSSL. Example:
Code Block |
openssl pkcs12 -export -out mydomain.pfx -inkey mydomain.key -in mydomain.crt -certfile intermediateCA.crt |
Configure your DocuPhase Forms/Connector application
First, stop the application (or service).
Locate the file where you will configure these settings, and open it in a text editor.
Forms or multiple connectors installed in the Forms application: <frevvo home>/tomcat/conf/server.xml
Locate the https port configurations. It defaults to 8443.
Set the port you wish to use
Add values in these properties. See the Installation Tasks: Tomcat SSL documentation.
The values should be:
keystoreFile= the path to your certificate
keystorePass= the password to your certificate
keystoreTyp= the certificate file typeCode Block keystoreFile=C:\CERTDIRECTORY\CERT.pfx" keystorePass="YourPassword" keystoreType="PKCS12"
Standalone Database Connector <db home>/config/dbconnector.properties
Add the following properties to the file
Set the port you wish to use
Add values to the following properties. See the Standalone DBC SSL documentation.
Code Block # Customize the DbConnector here logging.file=./logs/database-connector.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log server.port=8443 server.ssl.key-store=keystore.p12 server.ssl.key-store-password=PASSWORD server.ssl.keyStoreType=PKCS12 server.ssl.keyAlias=tomcat
Save the file
and restart the application/service.Restart the application (or service).
Let’s say you installed your certifcate, but there is still a problem connecting over https. Here are some common errors you can check:
In the browser where you see the error, click the lock icon in the address bar. Click Connection is Secure/Not Secure, then Certificate the view the certificate details the browser has found. Check that the domain matches and the expiration date is in the future.
The domain used is not an FQDN and/or has not populated through DNS.
Check the certificate file itself using this command.
Code Block keytool -v -list -keystore <path to certificate file>
You may be prompted to enter a password. Do so (you will not see the text you are typing) and click Enter. The output will provide details about your certificate. Check
Chain Length - this should be at least 3. If the chain length is 1, the certificate may not be valid for use with DocuPhase Forms.
Domain - make sure this matches the domain you are using
Alias - if you provided an alias in the server.xml or properties file, make sure it is correct.
Use one of the SSL checker tools listed in Additional Resources, or one provided by your CA.
Additional Resources
This page is intended as a general guide; the customer is responsible for generating, updating and maintaining their own certificates according to their own procedures. Here are few articles and resources we have found helpful for others. DocuPhase does not specifically recommend nor have a partnership with any of the following resources provided.
Note |
Always refer to your Certificate Authority’s documentation first. |