- Create a new flow by clicking on the Flows menu item and clicking the New button.
- Drag and drop the Leave Approval form you just created into the flow. This creates a step (activity) in the workflow.
- Name the activity 'Employee' by typing the name in the Name property.
- In our example, we will use the same form three times, once for the Employee, Manager and HR.
- Select the Employee activity and click the icon twice.
- This will create two linked steps. A linked step refers to the same form as the original step. The form cannot be edited from a linked step but any edits made to the original form are reflected in the linked steps.
- Name the second activity Manager and the third activity HR.
Setup roles/users for
- Click the Employee activitystep. Do not select a role for this step.
- Click the Manager activity step and in the User property type in the string {MId}. Remember that the control in the form for the Manager Id was named {MId}. When the workflow runs, will resolve the string {MId} to the value of the control from the form and will forward the approval request to the specific Manager.
- For the HR activitystep, select the HR role.
Set flow properties
- On the Flows Home page, click the Test button for your workflow. will display the first step in the workflow. This is the Leave Approval Request form to be filled in by the Employee. The Employee Information section should be automatically populated.
- Fill in the Start Date and Number of days. Select Sick Leave for the type of leave to see if the hidden certificaiton field displays. Check another type of leave to verify that the Sick Leave Certification field is again hidden.
- Enter a comment, Sign the form and click the 'Submit Request' button.
- Since the second step in the flow was assigned to the user identified by the {MId} field, will create a new task and put it on that user's task list.
- will also notify that user that there is a new pending Leave Approval request (these notifications can be turned on/off by individual users). The email address for the user is obtained from that user's profile.
- Finally, will display the Pending Msg that was configured 'Your request has been forwarded to your Manager for approval.' on your screen.
- Logout as the designer user.