Section | |||||||||||
- Log into your LDAP Server and add a new group, frevvo.TenantAdmin (case sensitive)
Assign the frevvo.TenantAdmin group to one or more users to give them the privileges of a tenant admin.
Note There are four special roles in : frevvo.TenantAdmin, frevvo.Designer, frevvo.Publisher, frevvo.ReadOnly, that must be specified on your LDAP/AD Server if you have users that will be assigned these roles. The group names must be frevvo.TenantAdmin, frevvo.Designer, frevvo.Publisher, frevvo.ReadOnly . Upper/lower case may be a factor for Open LDAP systems.
- In-house customers:
- Login to as an administrator (user:admin and password:admin if you have not changed it)
- Click on Manage and then Manage Tenants
- You will see a page where the current tenants are listed. If this is a new installation you will only see the default tenant d
- Click on the plus icon to add a new tenant.
- Configure the new tenant:
- Choose LDAP/Active Directory Security Manager.from the Security Manager Class drop down.
- Enter your LDAP Configuration Properties. Alternatively, you can start off from one of the sample configurations and provide only the key information listed above. See below for information on the TLS checkbox.
- Enter a tenant id, a tenant name and description.
- The Max Concurrent Users is the maximum allowed by your license or less.
- Specify the LDAP User ID that will have the tenant admin permission.
- Click Submit. You will see your new tenant in the tenant list if the connection to your LDAP server is successful.
- Choose LDAP/Active Directory Security Manager.from the Security Manager Class drop down.
- Cloud customers:
- Contact frevvo to create an LDAP/Active Directory tenant. Login with the id and password information provided by frevvo.
- Click on the Edit tenant link
- Edit the LDAP Configuration Properties. Replace the default values with values for your LDAP server.
- Click Submit.
Warning |
It is recommended that you check the Ignore Case checkbox when configuring LDAP. Refer to Mixed or Upper case User Names topic for more details. |
LDAP Configuration Properties
These are the properties used to configure the LDAP/Active Directory security manager. The properties in bold are required.
Property | Description |
Connection URL | ldap server url |
Connection User | User to connect to LDAP. This user must have the proper permissions to read and run queries in the ldap server. If using Active Directory, it is common to specify the domain. For instance, TEST\Administrator refers to the user Administrator in the TEST domain. |
Connection Password | Password for the user defined in |
Users Base | Searches for users will start from the ldap node specified by this property.If the value is empty the searches will start from the root domain. |
Groups Base | Searches for the groups will start from the ldap node specified by this property. If the value is empty, searches will start from the root domain |
UserId Display | User attribute that will be visible in frevvo. This is what will be displayed in the list of users a tenant admin sees and has to be unique in the server. Another restriction is that the values for the attribute configured here cannot have spaces. For instance, don't configure CN as the value since it can contain spaces in most systems. |
GroupId Display | Group attribute that will be visible in frevvo. This is, for instance, what will be displayed in the list of groups a tenant admin sees or the groups used in workflows. This attribute has to be unique in the server.
Notify checkbox | Notifications are emails sent by frevvo to workflows participants. If checked, notifications will be sent. |
All Groups Filter | The expected value is an LDAP filter expression. The expression should return the groups that will be available to be used in frevvo workflows. |
All Users Filter | The expected value is an LDAP filter expression. The expression should return the users that will be available to be used in frevvo work flows and authentication. |
User Member Of | Attribute on a user object storing the groups the user is a member of. |
Group Member | Attribute on a group object storing the users that are a member of this group. |
First Name | Name of the user ''first name'' attribute |
Last Name | Name of the user ''last name'' attribute. |
Email | Name of the user ''email'' attribute in the LDAP server. This value can be used in a rule is used in email notifications |
Manager | Attribute on a user object storing the DN of the user’s manager. This value can be retrieved in a rule or used in flow navigation using the data available in . |
Ignore Case checkbox | If checked, ignores the case stored in LDAP systems, primarily for the purpose of determining roles. |
Custom | This is a a comma separated list of attribute names to be retrieved from the LDAP Server. |
TLS | This enables simple authentication over TLS. If checked, a trusted certificate for the LDAP server is required. |
Sample Configurations
Property | Active Directory Sample Configuration | OpenLDAP Sample Configuration |
Connection URL | ldap://[your server]:[port, typically the default is 389 ] | ldap://[your server]:[port, typically the default is 389 ] |
Connection User | [user name] | cn=admin,dc=test,dc=frevvo,dc=com |
Connection Password | [user password] | [user password] |
Users Base | CN=Users,DC=test,DC=windows,DC=frevvo,DC=com | DC=test,DC=frevvo,DC=com |
Groups Base | CN=Users,DC=test,DC=windows,DC=frevvo,DC=com | DC=test,DC=frevvo,DC=com |
UserId Display | sAMAccountName | uid |
GroupId Display | sAMAccountName | entryDN |
Notify checkbox | Check the Notifications checkbox | |
All Groups Filter | (objectClass=group) | ( | (objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)(objectClass=organizationalRole)) |
All Users Filter | (objectClass=user) | (objectClass=person) |
Group Member | member | uniqueMember |
User Member Of | memberOf | " " |
First Name | givenName | cn |
Last Name | sn | sn |
Manager | manager | manager |
Ignore Cas | Check the Ignore Case checkbox | Check the Ignore Case checkbox |
Custom | carLicense, employeeName | carLicense |
TLS | Check to secure the connection using TLS | Check to secure the connection using TLS |
Refer to this documentation for more information and here for some troubleshooting tips.
Configuring the LDAP Container Security Manager