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https://app.frevvo.com:443/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/user/max/app/_N2Z-EN4ZEeSMHtcWMmyrrQ/flowtype/_Wdk4AecIEeSyBMGi6J8M3Q?_method=post&embed=true&_formTz=America/Los_Angeles |
Raw form link
- edit=(true/false) -- The form will open in the Form Designer when edit=true and in use mode otherwise. The default is false.
- print=(true/false) -- This form will be displayed in print view as if a user had clicked the print icon on the form.
- dispose=(true/false) -- The form instance is deleted after the form is rendered in print view.
- _readonly=(true/false) -- The form will open but you will not be able to enter values into the form when _readonly=true. The default is false.
- _data -- A way to pass default values into form fields via the form URL. See the details here.
- _extId -- A way to have multiple users connect to the same form instance. See details below.
- _layoutID or _layoutID!userID!tenantId-- Dynamically select a layout which takes precedence over the layout selected at either the Application or in the Form. See here for the details.
- _styleID or _styleID!userID!tenantId - Dynamically select a style which takes precedence over the style selected at either the Application or in the Form. See here for the details.
- _formActionURL -- Overrides the form's action set in the Form Designer. See the _formActionURL section. If this parameter is used but equals nothing it will close the window when the form is submitted.
- _formActionMethod=(get/post) - Overrides the form action's method. Defaults to get. See the _formActionMethod section.
- _formActionTarget=(frame/parent/top) - Overrides a form action target. Defaults to frame. See the _formActionTarget below.
- locale=<locale code> --- This parameter enables you to translate your form into multiple languages. If not, set the form displays with the language used in the form designer. If set to one of the locale codes the form displays translated to that language.
- apikey --
- _formTz – This parameter overrides the timezone of the browser/form. Refer to Time Zones for more information.
- _device - (tablet/phone/desktop) –used to show the specified device view in your browser. This parameter is very helpful when testing forms for mobile devices as you can see the phone or tablet view from your desktop.
- _submissions=(ID ENTRY FROM FORM SUBMISSION TABLE) - used to instantiate older submissions of a form or flow.
- _cancelUrl=(some URL) - This parameter bypasses the standard cancellation message and will redirect the user to the specified URL when the Cancel button is clicked.
Embedded form link -- "Just the iframe" and "Embedded Form"
The Form Action can be overridden by using these special (reserverd) URL parameterparameters. The presence of _formActionURL overrides any Form Action in the Form Designer by specifying which URL to go to when the form gets submitted.
_formActionURL params are used directly by to re-direct the browser. When the _formActionURL (or any parameter) is received, it is URL decoded by the servlet container. Therefore, it is best practice to encode the _formActionURL paramater value. It is up to the client to encode passed in _formActionURLs.
The designer can override the standard message that displays when the user clicks on the Cancel button in a form and redirect them to a webpage of your choice by appending the _cancelUrl=(some URL) to the raw form link. For example, if you want to redirect users to http:www.google.com the raw form link should look like this:
Code Block |
https://app.frevvo.com:443/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/user/f_tom/app/_gaj78BYjEeWyUNZ2H44ezg/formtype/_22gHkKKLEeWnp4XR1Gz4eA?_method=post&embed=true&_cancelUrl=http://www.google.com |