Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



While not mandatory in all cases it is highly recommended that you enclose the values in single quotes. Thus Name:Joe should be added to the URL instead as Name:'Joe'. Also certain characters may need to be URL encoded. See quoting values below for details. Also note that the only supported format for dates is the XSD schema date format; you must use YYYY-MM-DD.

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The form fields are addressed in the _data parameter by their Name property if the control was added from the palette and by the XSD element name if the control was added from data sources. In the example above the form has 4 controls. The control labeled Email Address has the name EMmail2787. The controls labeled Full Name has the name 'Name'. Description is named Desc and Quantity is named Q. See the Form Designer below with the Quantity control selected and you can see that it's name in the Properties Settings is 'Q'.

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Here are some examples:


This membership list form contain a single default empty member item. The controls First Name and Last Name are named fn and ln respectively.

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Appending _data=(fn:!(Joe,Liz!),ln:!(Caprio,Smith!) to the form's share URL will cause the form to automatically add a 2nd repeating member and to initialize the first and last names for both members. This form also contains a templatized label in the section control. Notice how the templates are also replaced with the _data values when the form loads.

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Time, Date/Time Controls


Code Block

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The local time will be converted to and saved in a valid UTC format for the time portion of the date/time control in the submission XML document.  You may see the time stored with a trailing "Z" or with an offset from UTC time. See Initializing Forms with XML Documents and Viewing XML Documents for further information.

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Checkbox Controls


  1. The Url parameter &onInit=getData used matches exactly the name of a javascript method in the html page also named getData(). 
  2. The xml data is also embedded in the html page in the <textarea> tag.
  3. The <ns:form> content came directly from a prior form submission and was copied out of the  submission repository's Documents tab.

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This is how the form looks when initialized via the onInit method. The particular form used in this sample has a repeat control. By default this form has a single repeating item. When  initializes the form with repeating data returned from the getData() method it auto creates the additional items. This form also contained a Item Added Rule which is why there is also a value in the Quantity field.

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Post and XML Documents
