Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Logon to your tenant as a designer user.
  2. Click the  New icon to add a new application.
  3. Click the  Properties icon. Change the name of the application to My Company HR. Click Update.
  4.  Click the  Edit icon for the My Company HR application.
  5. Click the Image Modified New icon to create the Leave Approval form. 
  6. he New Form wizard displays listing any forms that have been published as templates. SInce there are none listed, click Finish to accept the Blank template for your form..

  7. Change the name of the form to Leave Approval Form on the form Properties pane.

  8. Create the Leave Approval form with the four sections described below. 


  1. Drag and drop controls as shown in the image.
  2. We've placed Start Date, Number of Days, Type of Leave, Certification and Comments controls as shown.
  3. Select the Leave Request section by clicking on its header.
  4. In the properties panel, select the Security Tab.
  5. This is considered a Signed Section. Two types of signatures are available from the Signature drop down: Text/Signature Image or Wet Signature. Here is information about the difference between the signature types. Select Wet Signature from the dropdown. 
  6. Check the Must Sign checkbox to require the signature and verify that the Lock checkbox is checked to prevent tampering with the signed data .
  7. Notice that a "Sign this section" button and an Image Modified icon and a line appear at the bottom right and left of the section when the signature type is selected. 
  8. The Employee will have to sign the section before it can be submitted.
  9. Do not forget to uncheck the Visible checkbox on the Certification field. This field is not visible on the form unless the Employee selects Sick Leave as the Type of Leave. This will be handled by a rule that will be discussed later in the tutorial.


Business Rules

Click on the Image Modified rules rules icon in the toolbar to create a rule to initialize the form and a second one to make the Certification control visible when Sick Leave is selected as the Type of Leave. The Rule Validator can help troubleshoot any issues with rules.


  • Create a new flow by clicking on the Flows menu item and clicking the New  button.
  • Drag and drop the Leave Approval form you just created into the flow. This creates a step (step) in the workflow.
  • Name the step 'Employee' by typing the name in the Name property.
  • In our example, we will use the same form three times, once for the Employee, Manager and HR.
  • Select the Employee step and click the  icon icon twice.
  • This will create two linked steps. A linked step refers to the same form as the original step. The form cannot be edited from a linked step but any edits made to the original form are reflected in the linked steps.
  • Name the second step Manager and the third step HR.


  1. Click the toolbar at the top of the flow.
  2. Check the Save PDF box to generate and save a PDF in the repository.
  3. In the Navigation drop down select the type of navigation toolbar you want  to generate.
  4. Click the iocn icon and set the visibility to Public in Tenant.
  5. Verify that the Deployment is set to Production.


The Manager can quickly accept/reject tasks by clicking the Image Modified Quick Quick View icon for a task when accessing the Task List. Set up this feature for the Manager Approval step in this flow. Click on the Manager step and then click the Setup/Approval/Rejection link on the Property pane. Be sure to check the Enable box and then compose a Summery of the task that will be seen on the Manager's Task List. You can select controls in your flow from the Control dropdown and then click the Insert into Summary button to add these fields as templates. The Approval Control dropdown will provide a list of all the sections in your form that meet the Approval Control criteria. Refer to this documentation for more information on this feature.


Use the Google Documents wizard

  1. Click the  what what happens to my data icon in the toolbar at the top of the form.
  2. In the wizard that pops up, select the Save to Google Documents button.
  3. Enter your Google account user id and the access token for that account as the password.
  4. After your login has succeeded, the wizard will show the list of Folders available.
  5. Select the folder you created earlier (Leave Approvals).
  6. Choose a name for the Submission Folder. This name should be unique for each submission. The best approach is to choose a combination of controls in the form that will generate a unique name. In our case, we have chosen the name: {EFullName}_{StartDate}. As you remember, there are controls in the form EFullName for the Employee's full name and StartDate for the start date of the leave. Combining the values of these controls creates a unique name.
  7. Click the Finish button. Save the flow.
  8. Your workflow is now configured to save submissions to your Google Drive account.


Use the ImageSilo/PVE wizard

  1. Click the the  what what happens to my data icon in the toolbar at the top of the form.
  2. In the wizard that pops up, select the Save to ImageSilo or PaperVision Enterprise button.
  3. Enter your login credentials.
  4. After your login has succeeded, the wizard will show the list of Projects available.
  5. Select the project you created earlier (Leave Approvals).
  6. In the Send Snapshot drop down, select PDF (or any of the other available options if you prefer).
  7. Click the Next button.


In most cases, you want to notify the original Employee that requested the leave was approved in addition to storing the data..

  1. Click the the  what what happens to my data icon in the toolbar at the top of the form.
  2. In the wizard that pops up, click the Email data to a specified address tab.
  3. Click the Email data to a specified address button.
  4. In the To: field, enter a template using the drop down to the right. Select the Employee's email address via the control EEmail. The To: field should look like {EEmail}.
  5. In the Send Snapshot: drop down, select PDF.
  6. Uncheck the Send Data: checkbox.
  7. Click Next.
  8. In the Subject: field enter Leave approval for {StartDate}. Once again, you can use the drop down at right to select controls.
  9. In the Message: field you can enter anything you want including dynamic content using the drop down at right. For example, Your leave approval request was successfully processed by {HFullName}. This field can also contain HTML for rich content.
