By default, the <frevvo-home>\solr-5.4.1\bin\solr script,sets the maximum Java heap size to 512M (-Xmx512m). This may not be sufficient especially when reporting on/indexing a large number of submissions. It may cause "out of memory" exceptions in the <frevvo-home>solr-5.4.1\server\logs\solr.log file. The JVM heap size can be increased to resolve this. Make sure that the machine where the Insight Server is installed has enough memory to accommodate your changes.
Follow these steps:
- Stop the Insight Server.
- Uncomment the SOLR_JAVA_MEM parameter in the OS specific solr.in.* file (cmd for windows, sh for linux).
- Change the value.
For example, to increase the max heap size to 1G use: -Xms512m –Xmx1g. Make sure SOLR_HEAP is commented out. - Restart the Insight Server.