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A tenant admin uses the Manage Users page to add new users, delete users, edit the properties of existing users and download/upload a csv file containing user data. Click the Manage Users link to display the  user list. To the right of each user name are icons described below.

If you are logged in as the superuser admin you must first click the Manage Tenants link to display the list of tenants. Then click the button to manage users/roles for the desired tenant. Then click the Manage Users link.


 On this page:


Table of Contents


You will see this message with the number of roles and users that were created: "Users Loaded successfully. 3 Added, 1 Updated, 0 Deleted, 4 Roles Added." Uploading an empty users file displays the message "Users file is empty".


  • If you leave the roles column blank in the csv file you are using for updates, the existing roles for that user will be deleted. Be sure to add the roles relevant to the users you are updating so the existing roles are not cleared.
  • The warning messages "Update of user failed"  or "Users Loaded successfully with some issues. See detailed results for details." is displayed if users in the csv file you are uploading do not have any roles assigned to them. Typically, these messages can be ignored. The verbiage for these messages will be changed in a future release.


  • Click at the top of the user list to add a new user.
  • Click at the top of the user list to add a new tenant admin user.
  • Click to display that user's home page.
  • Click to edit that user's management functions.
  • Click to upload a signature image file that will be applied to all forms/flows this user signs in place of his or her first and last name. See Refer to Signature Images and  Electronic Signatures for more information.

  • Click  to log into  as that user.
  • Click to edit a user's profile including password, e-mail address, max upload attachment size, disable the user.
  • Click  to remove a user from the server.


The superuser admin, whose username is "admin" can add new superusers to the special d (default tenant). Note to login as the superuser enter the username admin@d (admin is the username and @d specifies the special default tenant). New Users added to the default tenant automatically become new superusers. This allows you to name additional superusers and then if you want you can disable the built-in superuser. To disable the build-it superuser named "admin" click the button above the alphabet list. This brings you directly to the build-in superuser admin's edit page, or you can click the icon to the right of the admin name in the user list. Set the Enabled dropdown to false. This will prevent further logins by the built-in superuser named "admin". Note you cannot delete the built-in superuser named "admin". You can however delete any additional admin user you have created.


Signature Images

The tenant admin can add/manage signature images for users that is applied to all forms/flows this user signs in place of his or her first and last name.

To upload a signature image for a user, click :

  1. Click the Image Modifiedadd signature icon. The Manage Signature for ,userid> screen displays.

    Image Added

  2. Browse to the location of the signature image file and select it.
  3. Click the Upload/Delete button. A successful upload displays for the userid

    Image Added

  4. To delete an existing signature file, check the Delete Signature checkbox then the Upload/Delete button.


If uploaded signatures do not display properly, try to open the image with the browser (Open With for Windows)  off the filesystem. The signature image may have errors.
