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The admin user will also need to setup three users, assigning one of the three roles to each one:
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  1. Login to  as the administrative user for your tenant.
  2. If you do not already see the Manage Tenant page, click the Manage link at the top right of the page.
  3. On the page that is displayed, click the "Manage Users" link.
  4. Click on the  Add Add User icon.
  5. Complete the new user form for Jerry Mouse, the manager, Tom Cat, the employee (Select Jerry from the Reports dropdown for user Tom) and Sue Smart - HR personnel
  6. Assign the roles shown in the image above to the users. 
  7. Submit the form.
  8. Make one more user named designer and assign this user the frevvo.Designer role. Use the designer user to create the Employee On Boarding flow. 


Typically, information about a new employee would include: name, address, SSN, Telephone Numbers, email address and possibly a profile photo. Creating this form for a desktop view would be very simple in the  designer. A form designed for the desktop could look like the image below:  Mobile forms work best when they are broken up into small, logical pieces. The PageBreak control lets the designer create a mobile layout consisting of multiple pages where each page contains a small number of controls (logical groupings). The user navigates between the pages via Back/Next buttons, or on a device that supports it, by swiping left/right. We will use sections plus the PageBreak control to illustrate these concepts.
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Employee Information Form designed for a Desktop browser

Refer to Designing Forms for in-depth information on the  features and controls described in the steps below:  


Logon to  as a designer. We will create the screenflow in the Forms designer and then drag them into the Flow designer to make the Employee On Boarding flow. Click the  to to create a new Application. Click on the  to to edit that application. Invoke the new form wizard by clicking on the  New New icon at the top of the Forms Home Page. Click the Next button to navigate through the wizard. Name the form Employee Information. 

  • Drag and drop an image control from the palette to the canvas. Use this to upload a company logo image, if desired.
  • Drag a message control from the palette and drop it next to your logo. Type the text "New Employee Onboarding Form" in the message area. You can bold the text by checking bold on the Style tab for the message control.

  • Drag and Drop a date control and label it Date of Birth. The Date Format  defaults to Automatic. Check Required on the date control's property panel.
  • Add a text control next to the date of birth. Change the label to "Your Manager Is". Change the name of the control to manager. Uncheck the enabled property for that control. We'll use a rule to fill in the new employee and manager's names using the _data.getParameter
  • Drag and drop text controls for the First Name, Middle Initial and Last name fields. Click the Style tab and adjust the widths of the three fields so that they are next to each other on the same line. Check the required property on the FirstName and LastName fields but do not make the control named Initial required. 
  • Drop another text control below these controls. Uncheck the visible property for this control. Name this field FirstPlusInitial. This control will not be visible on the form. We will use a rule to combine the new employee's first name and middle initial and populate this field with that information. Then we will map the FirstPlusInitial field in the mapper for the W - 4 pdf later in this tutorial.
  • Add a text control below the FirstPlusInitial control  - name it SSN. A pattern can be used to ensure the correct format number for the Social Security Number. Here is an example of a valid pattern: \d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}. Apply this pattern to the field by typing it into the Pattern field on the Control property pane. will display an error message if the entered data does not match the Make sure the required property is checked. 

  • Drag and drop an email control to the right of the SSN field.  Label it Personal Email Address. 
  • Add a Phone control below SSN. Name the control Home Phone. Help text showing different formats for the phone number is provided when you add the control to the form.
  • Add a second Phone control to the right of the Home Phone field. Name the control Cell Phone.   
  • Add a text control to collect Address information from the new employee. Make the width the size of the form and name it Street.
  • Drag and drop a text field below the Street control. Label it City. Make it Required.

  • Drag a dropdown control from the palette, name it State and make it Required. Type in the names of some states into the Options section on the dropdown control property pane:


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  • Drop a text control to the right of the State dropdown. Label it Zip Code and make it Required. Designate a Max Length of 5 characters. 

 Your form should look like similar to the image at this point:
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  • Click the  save and exit icon to save the work we have done.
  • On the Forms Home Page, Click the  icon for the Employee Information form to continue editing.
  • Add a  hidden text control named FullAddress beneath the city, state and zip code fields that will be populated with the City or Town, State and Zip Code via a rule. Uncheck the Visible and Enabled properties. Click the Style tab on the Properties pane and make the field the width of the form. This hidden field will then be mapped for the W - 4 pdf.  
  • takes full advantage of the cameras built into mobile devices. You can give the new employee an opportunity to attach a profile picture by adding an Upload Control to your form below the FullAddress hidden field. Users will see a prompt on mobile devices giving the user a choice to upload an  existing  image or take a photo with the device camera.  



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You can specify the allowed file types to be uploaded by checking selections in the Restricted Content Types section on the Properties pane. For Example, check jpg if you only want to allow the upload of files with that extension.
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  • Drag and drop a section below the Upload control. Name it Hidden for Office Use Only. Add a text field for the Employer Name and another one for the Employer Identification Number. Type the Employer's Name and Address into one and the Employer's Identification Number (EIN) into the other. Uncheck the visible property on the section control. This section will remain hidden on the form but we will map it later for the W - 4 pdf.          



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The Employee Information form should look like this at this point:
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Employee Information form in the designer

  • Click the  save and exit icon to save the work we have done.
  • On the Forms Home Page, click the  icon icon for the Employee Information form to continue editing.
  • Rules add behaviors to forms. We will add 4 rules to this form to accomplish the following:
    • The first rule will fill in the First and Last Name of the new employee and the name of the manager they report to, from the login information using the _data.getParameter when the form loads.
    • The second rule will combine the employee's First Name and Initial and store it in the hidden field called FirstPlusInitial
    • The third rule will combine the City, State and Zip Code information and store it in the hidden field called FullAddress
    • The fourth rule will work with the GPS features on mobile devices detect the new employee's location information when they are filling in the Employee Information form.
  • Click on the  Rules Rules icon on the designer toolbar to access the Rules Editor. Click the  icon icon then the  icon icon to open the Rules validator screen. Give your rule a meaningful name: in this case we will call it Form Load. Copy/Paste the rule below into the rules canvas.
Code Block
if (form.load)
  FirstName.value = _data.getParameter("");
  LastName.value = _data.getParameter("");
  manager.value = _data.getParameter("");
  • Click the  icon icon to collapse the rule window and then click the icon to add the second rule. Call this rule Combine First Name and Initial. Copy/Paste the rule below into the rules canvas.
Code Block
FirstPlusInitial.value = FirstName.value + ' ' + Initial.value;
  • Click the  icon icon to collapse the rule window and then click the icon to add the third rule. Call this rule Full Address. Copy/Paste the rule below into the rules canvas.


Code Block
if (form.positionUpdated) {
  var x = _data.getParameter ("position.street_number");
  Street.value = _data.getParameter ("position.street_number") + ' ' + _data.getParameter ("position.route");
  City.value = _data.getParameter ("position.locality");
  State.value = _data.getParameter ("position.administrative_area_level_1");
  ZipCode.value = _data.getParameter ("position.postal_code");
  • Refer to the Rule Validator for help in troubleshooting if there are any issues with the rules that we are adding to the form.
  • Click the   edit form icon in the designer toolbar to return to the form. Your rules will be saved.
  • As a precaution, click the  save and exit icon to preserve the work we have done so far.
  • On the Forms Home Page, click the  icon for the Employee Information form to continue editing.
  • Although  automatically adjusts to the screen size of a mobile device, the PageBreak control gives the forms designer a tool to specify the sections of your form that appear on a page. Drag and drop a PageBreak control below the manager control. Click on the PageBreak control and notice the property pane shows both phone and tablet checked. This is the default value and we will leave it as is. This will ensure that the controls above the first PageBreak will appear on the first page when the form is rendered on the iPad or the iPhone. 
  • Drag another PageBreak control from the palette and drop it below the FullAddress control. Check phone and uncheck tablet on the PageBreak property panel. With these PageBreaks in place, the Date of Birth and manager fields wiill appear on the first page and the name, address SSN, phone and email controls will appear on the second page on the iPhone and iPad.


  • Your form should look similar to the image below:

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  • Click the  save and exit icon to save the Employee Information form. 


In this form, we will collect information for the Personal Allowances section of the W - 4 Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate. The section is shown below. The e-form will have controls for the A, C, D allowances and a control to store the total number of allowances designated by the new employee.
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  • Create a simple form to collect this information. Name the form Allowances. Here is an example.  We will map the data in these fields, along with some others, to the W - 4 pdf later in this tutorial.

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Allowances Form in the designer

  • Drag three Quantity controls from the palette and drop them on the designer canvas. Name them A_Allowance, C_Allowance and D_Allowance respectively. Type the instructions for A, C and D allowances as the labels for these controls. Add a fourth Quantity control where the result of the calculation of the total allowances can be stored. Name this control Total_Allowances and type "Total number of allowances you are claiming" as it's label. Uncheck the Enabled property for this control.
  • Add a Wet Signature control so the Employee can sign using the a track pad/mouse or a touch screen to verify the allowance selections entered into the form. This is what the new employee will see when signing.

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  • Drag and drop a date control under the signature. Name it TodaysDate and uncheck the enabled property.
  • We will use rules to calculate the total allowances and fill in the current date. Here's an example of a rule that will add the values for the A_Allowance, C_Allowance and D_allowance controls and store it in the Total_Allowances field. Use the Rule Validator to troubleshoot any issues.


Here is a rule to populate the Today's Date control when the form loads. Use the Rule Validator to troubleshoot any issues.


Create an Education form similar to the image below. Use the table control to collect information about the new employee's Education. Name the table control Education History. Refer to this documentation for more information on how to add, move and remove the Add/Remove columns in a table topic for more information.
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Education History form in the designer


  • Delete one of the columns in the table by clicking on the column and then clicking on the  delete delete icon.
  • Drag and drop two quantity fields into the table to make the Start Year and End Year columns.
  • Change the label of one of the columns you added to Start Year and the name of that column to StartYear. Change the label of the second column to End Year and the name of that column to EndYear
  • Move the Start Year column to the leftmost position in the table and the End Year column to the right of the Start Year column . Move the columns by clicking in the column header and clicking the  green green arrow  that appears. Columns will move to the right each time you click on the arrow for that column.
  • Move the other columns to get the Start and End Year columns in the correct positions.

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  • Change the label and name of the third column to Institution
  • Make the Degree Attained column by dragging a dropdown control from the palette into the table.  Move it to the righmost position.
  • Change the label of the fourth column to Degree Attained and its name to DegreeAttained.
  • Changes made to one cell in a column will apply to all cells in the column. Click on one of the cells in the Degree Attained column. Specify choices for the Degree Attained in the Options section of the Property pane.  Here is an example:

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  This is how the Degree Attained column in the table will look on the iPad.
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  • Click on the Table control then select the Style tab on the Properties panel. Enter these percentage values, separated by a space, to adjust the widths of the four columns: 10% 10% 50% 25%

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  • Click the save and exit icon to save the form.  
