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Open the Flow Designer by clicking on the Flows menu item. Click on the  icon to create the new Employee On Boarding flow. Drag and drop your Employee Information, Allowances, Education History, Confirmation, Approval and Office Use Only forms from the palette to the flow editor.  Review this documentation for information about the Flow step properties you can set up. In the image below, the new employee will see the Navigation toolbar to chart progress when filling out the screen flow. Click the  icon in the toolbar. With the who can use the flow permission visible in the dropdown, select Public in Tenant in the Visibility dropdown. New employees will have to log onto the tenant to access the flow. Check to see that the deployment is set  to Production. Click on the Confirmation Form and customize the Continue Label for this step of the flow to say "Send to Manager".


Forms can be created or edited directly from the flow, if necessary. Click the form to be edited, (the New Form if you are just creating it) then click the  icon to open the form designer. This copy of the form is not the same as the one we created in the Form Designer. Changes to the form in the flow will not affect the original form that was dragged from the palette. 

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Click on the Employee, Personal Allowances, Education and Confirmation steps and assign the Employee role to all of them.  Click on the Approval form and assign the role of manager. Click on the Office Use only form and select the HR role from the choices shown in the Role section of the Form Property panel. You can customize the Continue Label to something like  "Send to ECM" if you want. Continue the tutorial to setup Quick View for the Approval form, Geo Location for the Employee Information form, Task Email notification and the W - 4 pdf for the flow.
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If you want to capture the current location of the new employee when they are filling out the Employee Information form, turn on ' location feature. Click on the Employee Information form to highlight it in the flow designer. On the Property panel that displays on the left, there is a section for the Geo - Location feature. We added a rule to the Employee information form to take advantage of the iPad location services earlier in this tutorial. Once you have the rules in place, you can choose to have the rules execute when the form loads (the On Load) option of the Geo-Location dropdown or specify a custom time period of how often the rules should execute (the custom option of the Geo Location dropdown). Check Detailed Loc to capture additional information, like an address, based on the location.


Setup Quick View 

In our scenario, when the screenflow is completed by the new employee, the manager will receive a notification and access their Task List using a smart phone. The Quick View feature lets the manager review a summary of the information and quickly approve/reject the task.  


  1. The Setup Quick View wizard will display all sections of your form that meet the criteria of an Approval control. In this case, there should only by one - the Manager Review section of the Approval form.
  2. Check the Enable box.
  3. Type a Summary statement that will appear on the Task List, if desired. This is essentially the same as the Task Information so if you have set that up already you can leave the summary blank.  To add the new employee SSN to the Quick View, type SSN: followed by the templatized string for the Social Security field. Clicking on the Control dropdown will list all the controls in all the forms in your flow in alphabetical order.
  4. The Manager Review section should be listed in the Approval Control box.
  5. Click the save and exit icon to close the wizard. You will see the  lightening lightening bolt on the Approval flow activity if Quick View is setup correctly.

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Quick View Wizard


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Task List on Jerry's iPhone


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Quick View on Jerry's iPhone

You can customize the message the new employee will see upon completion of the screen flow by typing it into the Pending Message field on the Approval Form Property Panel. Here is an example: "Thank You {FirstName}. Your New Employee Package has been sent to your Manager for approval."  In this message, {FirstName} is a Templatized String, meaning it uses the data from the FirstName field on the form in the pending message.  

You can setup any control on the form that will give the manager more information on the task to be performed by using Templatized Strings in the Task Info field on the form's property panel. For Example, to display the new employee's Social Security Number in the task , type SSN: {SSN} in the Task Info field. SSN: will show as the label followed by the entered SSN.


You can configure the email that is sent when the flow is put on someone's Task List. Jerry , the Manager, receives an email notifying him if there is a new task in the Task List. To set this up, click on the Approval form in the flow then click on the "Setup Task Notification Email" link and make changes to the Task Notification wizard. Notice the Templatized Strings in the message shown in the image below.  
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Jerry, the manager, will receive an email informing him that there is a New Employee On Boarding task on his Task List. Notice the {task.list.url} is replaced by the link to Jerry's task list. When Jerry clicks this link, he will be directed to his task list. He will have to login if he is not signed on to access it.
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Click the  save save and exit icon to save your flow. 
