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The Field column includes a dropdown where you can select any fields that were specified in the Searchable fields wizard in your form/flow or you can choose from meta data default columns that are available across all form and flow types. This list of metadata of  includes:

titleClick here for a list of the default columns

Default Columns

Submitted DateTime/Date of the submission. Also The Submitted Date is 'A' in the Submission Filter.
ErrorShown as a yellow triangle if the there is a submission error.
Error DescriptionDescriptive text about a submission error.
StateSubmission status: SUBMITTED, PENDING, ABORTED, SAVED, ERROR WAITING. This column displays the submission types selected in the State section. The submission status is 'B' in the submission filter.
Submitter IdID of the last submitting user.
Submitter NameThe first and last name of the user who submitted the form/flow.
Lock User IdIf the submission is currently locked (and not SUBMITTED), this is the user id of the user who has it locked.
Lock DateDate and time a flow last locked.
Lock User NameIf the submission is currently locked (and not SUBMITTED), this is the first and Last name of the user who has it locked.
Started DateDate and time a form/flow first started.
Age/DurationFor completed submissions (State=Submitted) this is the time interval for how long it was in process - from the first incomplete submission (Pending, saved, etc.) until it reached SUBMITTED status. If the submission is currently incomplete (i.e. SAVED, PENDING or WAITING), then the time interval shows how long has it been in process so far (Age).

Condition Column

The Condition column choices depend on the data type of the selected field. Click below to see a list of the data types and their corresponding options.

titleClick here for a list of the conditons available for each data type

Data Type(s)

 Conditions Available in the Dropdown List
Date, Time, Date/Timeis equal to
 is not equal to
 is after
 is before
 is on or before
 is on or after
only available for Date/Time controlsis within last
 contains a value
 does not contain a value
Number, Money, Quantityis equal to
 is not equal to
 is greater than
 is less than
 is greater than or equal to
 is less than or equal to
 contains a value
 does not contain a value
Text, TextArea, Email, DropDown, Radio, Checkboxcontains
 does not contain
 begins with
 ends with
 is equal to
 is not equal to
 contains a value
 does not contain a value
Boolean Checkboxis equal to


The values entered into the Value Column depend on the field type and also sometimes upon the condition chosen. Click below to see a table of the allowed values for Field Type(s) and conditions.

titleClick here for a list of values available for field types and condtions

Field Type

 ConditionValue Entry Field TypeNotes
DateAny except 'is within last'Date Picker 
TimeAny except 'is within last'Time Entry 
DateTimeAny except 'is within last'Date and Time Picker 
Date, Time, DateTime'is within last'Special time duration entry field.Enter a duration in Years:Months:Days:Hours:Minutes. Any field to the left may be omitted. For example, 2 days and 4 hours may be expressed as 0:0:2:4:0 or as 2:4:0.
Number, Money, Quantity number field 
Text, TextArea, Email, DropDown, Radio, Checkbox Text field 
Boolean Checkbox drop down containing true and false options 


Some of the Action buttons on the upper right of the Submissions Table require the selection of one or more submissions while others do not. The function . Click below for a list of the buttons and their functions.

titleClick here for a list of the buttons


on the Submission Table and their functions

Action Button

 PurposeSubmissions SelectedBehavior/Description
RefreshRefresh the submission pageN/ARe-runs the query using the filter and re-loads the current page of data. Not often needed as most changes and actions automatically refresh the results table as needed.
View/EditView or edit submission detailsOne must be selectedThis action is disabled unless one and only one submission row is selected. Double-clicking a row (desktop only) displays the submission details.
DeleteDelete Submission(s)One or more must be selected.Only enabled when one or more submissions is selected. The user is prompted with an ok/cancel dialog to make sure they want to delete the selected submissions. If ok/yes, the submissions are deleted and the filter re-run and the page of data refreshed. Only submissions in the SUBMITTED, ABORTED or ERROR state may be deleted.
DownloadDownload to CSV fileN/ADownloads a CSV data file containing rows for all of the matching submission records with all columns included. This csv file can easily be uploaded to Excel.
ColumnsShow/hide table columnsN/AUsed to show/hide columns in the  Submission Table. See below for the details.

Submission Table Columns

The Submission Table displays all of the default columns plus columns for Searchable fields configured by the form/flow designer. Click below for a list and description of the default columns.

Default Columns

The table list the describes the default columns that appear in the Submission Table. You cannot change the order of the default columns but you can Show or Hide them in the Submission Table.


titleClick here for a list of the default columns in submissions
Column NameFormattedDefault ColumnDescription
SubmittedDate/timeYesTime/date of the submission
Error YesA Image Modified yellow icon in the Err column indicates the data was captured but there was an issue with the request.  For example, if you set the form action property to go to a URL after the user clicks Submit but the URL is invalid, you would see a Image Modified yellow icon. Or if the form action was set to send an email but the email address was missing, this will also cause a Image Modified yellow icon to appear on the submission.
StateTextYesSubmission status: SUBMITTED, PENDING, ABORTED, SAVED, ERROR WAITING. This column displays the submission types selected in the State section of the Submissions Filter.
Error DescriptionTextYesDescription of the error if the error column is true.
Submitter IDTextYesLive Forms user ID of the logged in tenant user submitting the form or blank if the form was submitted by an anonymous user.
Submitter NameTextYesFirst and Last Name of the logged in tenant user submitting the form or blank if the form was submitted by an anonymous user.
Lock User IDTextYesIf the submission is currently locked (and not SUBMITTED), this is the user id who has it locked.
Lock DateDate/TimeYesIf the submission is currently locked (and not SUBMITTED), this is the time/date when it was locked.
Lock User Name  Displays the First and Last name of the user who has a task locked, when viewing Pending tasks.
Started DateDateYesDate when the submission was created.
 Age/DurationDays, Hours, MinutesYesFor completed submissions (State=Submitted) this is the time interval for how long it was in process - from the first incomplete submission (Pending, saved, etc.) until it reached SUBMITTED status. If the submission is currently incomplete (i.e. SAVED, PENDING or WAITING), then the time interval shows how long has it been in process so far (Age).

This image shows a PENDING submission for a Purchase Order workflow. The first step of the flow was submitted by a designer user (Submitter ID), Giorgio Armani (Submitter Name). It is currently pending approval by his manager, Jerry Mouse (Lock User Name). Jerry's user id is jerry (Lock User ID).
