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| URL Parameters | URL Parameters | nopanel | trueIf you are appending parameters to a URL, use the ? for separating the form/flow URL from the parameters and use the & to separate parameters from each other. For example, let's say you want to append the Pacific timezone parameter to the share URL of your form/flow.
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https://app.frevvo.com:443/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/user/max/app/_N2Z-EN4ZEeSMHtcWMmyrrQ/flowtype/_Wdk4AecIEeSyBMGi6J8M3Q/popupform?_formTz=America/Los_Angeles |
Here is an example using the Raw Flow URL for the same workflow:
Add &_formTz=America/Los_Angeles after the last existing paremeter. Use the & since you are separating parameters from each other.
Code Block |
https://app.frevvo.com:443/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/user/max/app/_N2Z-EN4ZEeSMHtcWMmyrrQ/flowtype/_Wdk4AecIEeSyBMGi6J8M3Q?_method=post&embed=true&_formTz=America/Los_Angeles |
Form fields can be initialized directly from the form's HTTP URL. You can do this by using the special (reserverd) URL parameter called _data. Below is an example of a form initialized via _data. The syntax for _data is based on Rison. This form was initialized by appending the following to the URL from the form's Share Email/Web Page link.