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Using Your Demo Account

Your Demo Tenant

Your tenant is pre-configured with an admin user. The username and password were sent to you in your demo account setup email

  1. We recommend that you do not use the admin user to create your own forms
  2. Login to and click '''Manage Users'''
  3. Change the admin user's password
  4. Your tenant is already setup for you with Users and Roles required to run the demo forms and flows
    1. Pre-created roles: Employee, Manager, Doctor, Nurse, Student, Teacher, Adviser
    2. Pre-created users: designer, jerry, spike, tom.

The passwords for the pre-created users are: f/r/evvo

titlePartner Resources

Partner Portal

Demo Account Instructions

Client Services


PaperVision / ImageSilo Connector - Tutorial



Designer User

  1. Login to the demo tenant as the designer user. In the user name field, enter designer@<your tenant id>. In the password field enter f/r/evvo. Click login.
  2. You will see pre-created demo applications



You will only see these pre-built demo applications in the designer@<your tenant id> user. You should add the pre-built demo applications to the other users you create with the frevvo.designer role. forms & flows. See adding the pre-built demo applications to designer tenant users.


Adding Pre-Built Demos to Your User


You will only see these pre-built demo applications in the designer@<your tenant id> user. If you create additional users with the frevvo.designer role for other sales and SE people in your organization you will not see the pre-built demos by default. You should add them to your user by following the steps below. These steps assume that the new user was given the special role frevvo.designer which enables the user to create forms & flows:


Application NameDownload zipfile
Additional Demo

{| style="background:#cccc99;color:black;" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
|+ '''Link URLS for pre-built demo applications'''
! Application Name || Link URL
|- style="background:#ffffcc; color:black"
| HR || /tn/
|- style="background:white; color:black"
| Education || /tn/
|- style="background:#ffffcc; color:black"
| For Demos (Passport...) || /tn/
|- style="background:white; color:black"
| Sample Hospital || /tn/
|- style="background:#ffffcc; color:black"
| DB Connector Tutorial || /tn/

Two pre-built demo applications are not linked apps. To add these to your tenant user, download the application zipfile from this table and upload into your user.

{| style="background:#cccc99;color:black;" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
|+ '''Download zipfiles'''
! Application Name || Download zipfile
|- style="background:white; color:black"
| PVE || []
|- style="background:#ffffcc; color:black"
| Additional Demo Forms || []

= Demo Applications =Two pre-built demo applications are not linked apps. To add these to your tenant user, download the application zipfile from this table and upload into your user.

Demo Applications

Your demo tenant is pre-configured with several demo applications. These applications can be seen by logging into your demo tenant as user designer@<your tenant id>. (See [[#Adding_Pre-Built_Demos_to_Your_User | adding pre-build built demos to other user accounts]]).#

  1. HR - Human Resource approval forms/flows


  1. Education - forms/flow for student registration and course evaluation


  1. For Demos (Passport...) - US Passport renewal flow and simple demo forms


  1. Sample Hospital - Patient Referral flow from Nurse to Doctor to ImageSilo


  1. DB Connector Tutorial - Forms that read/write from a mySql database


  1. PVE - See


  1. the PaperVision / ImageSilo video tutorials
  2. Additional Demo Forms - A form translated into several languages

The first 5 applications are linked applications. You can demo these forms but cannot edit these forms. The 6th and 7th applications, PVE and Additional Demo Forms, are normal frevvo application. You can edit the form and connect it to your ImageSilo entity.===

Hospital Application


The Hospital Referral demo is a good example of how a frevvo Live Forms flow can be embedded in a web site. Follow these instructions for running the hospital demo. Replace <tenant> with your demo account tenant name.

For complete details on how this demo was built, please see the [[Patient _ Referral _ Workflow _ Tutorial | Patient Referral Tutorial]].#

  1. Make sure you are not logged into


  1. Go to:


  1. Login as tom@<tenant> (password f/r/evvo). This user has the role Nurse.


  1. You will see that you have no Tasks.


  1. Click on the first link in the left menu (Radiology Referral).


  1. This will launch a workflow.


  1. Fill in the form (the first step of the flow) and Sign it.


  1. Click Continue. frevvo will now put the Task in the task list (work queue) of the Doctor.


  1. Logout.




  1. Login as jerry@<tenant> (same password). This user has the role Doctor.


  1. Click on the View Pending Referrals menu item. (If the task list is not already displayed)


  1. You will see that you now have at least one Task.


  1. Click the rightmost icon (the clock) and you can view the history of the task.


  1. Click the leftmost icon to perform the task.


  1. See that the form loads again with the data entered by Tom and signed by Tom.


  1. There is a new Section at the bottom for Doctor signature.


  1. Sign it.


  1. Click Finish.


  1. The workflow will end.

The task list contains 4 icons for each task. You used two "perform" and "view task history" in the demo. The other two "lock" locks the task so only you can perform it later, and "modify task" lets you reset the task to a prior step. Lock is useful if the flow step is assigned to any doctor. Clicking the lock takes it off the doctor's group and reserves it for you. Modify is useful if you need the user who completed the prior step to make a change. The user will receive an email notification that the task is back on their task list.===

HR Application



Vacation Request



The Vacation Request Form


# Edit the vacation request form.
# It has a Personal Information Section with a few controls.
# It has an Approval Section that requires the Manager's signature.
# Click on the Approval Section header. In the Properties panel to the left, select the Security Tab.
# Notice that the Section has a role (Manager) and the Signature and Must Sign checkboxes are checked. This means that the Section is only visible if the user of the form has the Manager role. If the user does not have this role, the Section will be hidden. Further, if you are a Manager, the Section must be signed in order to submit the form.
# Click Cancel in the Form Designer and on the forms page, click the Lock icon once (2nd icon from the right in the top row). This makes the form available to all authenticated users in the tenant.
# Try the form by clicking the Test button.
# Since the designer user does not have the Manager role, the Approval section is not visible. Notice that the hidden section does not have any impact on the user's ability to submit the form.
# Click the Share button and in the dialog that pops up select the third option: Link (Email/Web page). Copy the URL from the text area on the left.
# In a separate browser, enter this URL.
# You should see an Access Denied login page.
# Login as the manager with user name: and password: manager.
# See that the form comes up again but this time the Approval section is visible.
