Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

To access a control’s style properties, click on the control in your form, then click the Style tab in the Forms Designer’s Property area.

[[Image:StyleProperties.png]]Image Added

Some controls have more style properties than others, so the specific style properties you see depend on which control you click in your form. As you define style properties for individual controls, remember that these will override any form-level properties you have defined.    Each control style property is described below. For more complex styling consider [[V4_Customizing_Themes | customizing a theme]].  


There is no Width property for section or repeat controls; however, you can edit the Width property of controls you drag inside these controls. Also, if you drag a section or repeat inside other group controls, frevvo Live Forms automatically adjusts the width to a sensible size. 


See this image as an example:[[

image:itemwidth.png]]Image Added

Option Width

Radio and Checkbox controls have an extra property called Option Width. This property is useful when you option values are longer than a single line. In some cases this may cause the option value to start below the radio or checkbox on certain browsers. You can correct this by selecting a smaller option width such as 80%.

Here is an example of a checkbox option that spans multiple lines:

[[image:optionWidth-before.png]]Image Added

In order to adjust the formatting so the option aligns next to the checkbox, option width was set to 80%. This is how the checkbox looks after setting option width:

[[image:optionWidth-80%.png]]Image Added

Margin and Padding


In this example below, the controls have margin and padding properties of 30 px (pixels).

[[Image:MarginVSpadding.png]]Image Added

Type your margin and padding properties using standard CSS syntax. Type a single value such as 5% to apply a 5% margin or padding uniformly on all four sides of the control.
