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Here is where you design your form by dropping and laying out controls such as input text boxes, phone number, dates, radios, dropdowns, etc.. controls from frevvo's palette or from your own schema.

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First, modify the name and description of your form. At the top of the Forms Work Area click the toolbar (where you see the Finish and Cancel buttons) to access the form's properties , which are shown in the lower-left portion for the Forms Designer. Give your form a new name and description.


Controls are added from the frevvo control palette by clicking a control button, like ''text'' or ''number'' or ''phone'', and dragging them onto the form's canvas area. Drag a few text controls and a money control onto your form canvas now.

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Editing Controls


Each control is given a random label indicative of the control’s type. Click once on a control to select it. Click again on it's default label to edit it. Controls have many [[V4_Designing_Forms#Editing_Controls | properties]] in properties in addition to the label property. These Form Designer's Properties will display all of them.==

Arranging Controls


You can organize and rearrange the controls in your form by dragging controls and dropping them in the appropriate place. Click on the control to drag it to another location on the form. As you drag your controls you will see visual indicators helping you place your control where you want it. When you 1st start working with Live Forms it can be helpful to grab the control towards the upper right corner as that's where the visual drop indicators appear. Read the section on [[V4_Designing_Forms#Adding_Controls_.28Drag_.26_Drop.29 | Drag & Drop]] for Drag and Drop for helpful details.

== Preview your form ==
The Form Designer [[V4_Designing_Forms#Toolbar | toolbar]], at the top of the form canvas area, contains several buttons. The preview [[Image:Preview-button.png]] button displays your form as it will look when deployed for use. In Preview, notice that any panel grouping elements you may have added to your form are not displayed visually. This is because panels are for multi-column layout only.
