Versions Compared


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The internationalization feature enables you to easily localize your forms for target audiences that vary in culture, region and language. Live Forms supports all ISO-639-2 languages worldwide including RTL (right-to-left) languages. The list of available languages and locale codes can be configured in your instance of Live Forms (Live Forms In-house only)

Translations use UTF-8 encoding by default but you may also upload ISO-8859-1 (Unicode) strings.

You can easily localize any form by clicking on the icon next to any form on the Forms Home Page. This open the Locale Home Page for that form.

The default locale is the original language you used in the form designer. Each new locale you create will appear on this page. In the example above this form was translated to Spanish.

The steps below describe the process of creating, testing and using a Spanish locale translation for a form named Travel Request.


On This page:

Table of Contents

Download and Translate

  1. Click the down  icon for the default locale. This will save/open a file named to your disk
  2. Rename this file to your locale language. Though this is not required it is helpful so you will later know which translation this file contains. In this example we renamed the file to:
  3. Edit in a simple editor like wordpad on windows


The form Url parameter locale= controls which language the form renders. If the parameter is not present or the value is empty (&locale=) or is set to a locale code for which no translation file exists, then the form will render in the default language. To render the form in a different language such as in Spanish rather than the default add &locale=spa to the form Url. The test button and the share button on the Locale Home Page do that for you automatically. The test & share buttons on the Forms Home Page are by default for default locale.




Live Forms In-house supports the ability to customize runtime and design time strings and add additional locales and RTL languages. To make any of these changes to your In-house  server you must follow these steps:

  • Stop you  server
  • Uncompress/expand the frevvo.war file. This is typically located here: <frevvo-home>/tomcat/webapps/frevvo.war 
  • Find the file named "default" located named you need to modify located in /WEB-INF/data/locales. This These file contains all of the strings that have been externalized .
  • Copy the file "default" to another file that is named as one of the language codes listed in ISO 639-2. For example, German is "ger", English is "eng", Portuguese is "por" and Chinese is "chi".
  • Selectively edit the target language file and put in test translations.
  • Copy the target language file to /WEB-INF/data/locales and re-WAR the as well as the list of supported locales and directions.
  • Make the changes as described in the topics below
  • Re-WAR to create a new updated frevvo.war file.
  • Re-deploy the WAR file, typically located here: <frevvo-home>/tomcat/webapps/frevvo.war
  • Re-start your  server.
  • Login and navigate to a target test forms. On the form, copy the URL for the form in the editor (use "copy link location" in firefox for example).
  • In another browser window/tab, paste the url and append "&locale=yyy" where yyy is the target language code and the name of the target language file that was added to the war file.
  • Ensure the test translations show up as expected.

Adding Locales

To add new locale codes to the Choose Locale dropdown and add/change which locales are right to left languages, update these two properties files located in the frevvo.war file in <frevvo-home>/tomcat/webapps/frevvo.war:



  •  /WEB-INF/data/users/locale.directions - add/remove locale codes to this file that need to be displayed in rtl format
  •  locales /WEB-INF/data/users/ - add/remove locale codes here from the Choose Locale dropdown

Runtime Strings


Refer to the steps above under Server Customization.

Runtime Strings

To localize runtime strings such as those found when a user logs in to access their task list, the login page, access denied messages, etc. update the "defaults" property file located in the frevvo.war file.

  • Make a copy of  WEB-INF/data/locales/default to a locale name of your choice. Ex: WEB-INF/data/locales/default/spaMake your changes to WEB-INF/data/locales/spa
  • Then repack the war file and place the new war file in the <frevvo-home>/tomcat/webapps directory. 
  • default 

The default use mode strings will not be updated simply by editing the default file. You must make a copy as described above, customize the message strings in the copy and then append &locale=<name of copy> to all your use mode forms.

The Live Forms install  install contains a locale file named test that you can try out. If you are not logged in, Live Forms will require you to authenticate by displaying the login page. The locale choice will automatically flow to the login page and those stings will be translated as well.
