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 Now you need to create your form that integrates with your database queries.

There are two ways of creating Live Forms creating  forms:

  • dragging and dropping controls from the designer palette
  • creating a form from an XML schema. In this case, the controls will be automatically created for you based on the XML schema definitions.

When working with the database connector, you will always used the latter and create the controls from the schema. In the future we intend to relax this requirement.


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You can use the database connector to generate the schemas you will need to use in the Live Forms the  form. 
To fetch the schema, type a URI in the browser that looks like the example below.  This is almost identical to the query we used to test the connector, but it tells the connector to GET the schema instead.


Save the schema as an .xsd file in your file system.  You can then upload the schema to Live Forms  to  and generate controls from the schema elements that map to your database tables.  If you have multiple queries in your configuration file, you’ll need to generate a schema for each query.


  1. Click the Next button to advance from the default document to the next schema document
  2. You should see the Document name change your schema's document name
  3. Enter the database connector Url to your query in the wizard's URL input. If the database connector is running in the same host and port as the Live Forms the  form server, then you can omit http://<host>:<port>/ from the URL. See this example below.


If you have already uploaded the schema to Live Forms , you can still make the changes and update the schema. The process of updating the schema is described here.


Code Block
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="Home Phone" type="phoneType"/>

Now the Live Forms the  form will only accept valid phone numbers. If you enter an invalid phone the form will flag the field as invalid.


There are times when you have several fields that you want hidden and then only want to make visible depending on the value entered into another field. Thus only when the fields are visible do you want them to be required. Currently hidden required fields are still required and will causes the submit button to remain disabled. Automatically making hidden fields not-required may be added in a future release of Live Forms .

See the documentation for Data Sources and Schemas a solution for implementing show/hide with required controls.
