- Locate the frevvoDS data source url parameter.url="jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost/frevvo"/>. You can change the name "frevvo" to whatever you wish, "Live Forms forms forms" for example. But it must match the database name you create in your SQL server. See [[#Verify_Connection_Url | verify connection Url]] below.
- Create a [[#UTF8_Encoded_Database | utf8 encoded]] database database ""frevvo" (assuming you left the url parameter database name as the default) in your SQL server
- In the Live Forms installation installation locate the script <frevvo-home>/data/sql/forms-<database type>.sql. Ex: for mySQL the script is named <frevvo-home>/data/sql/forms-mysql5.sql
- [[#Run_the_SQL_Scripts | Run that script]] in in your "Live Forms" database. That will create all the tables required to persist submissions
- Set the '''frevvoDS''' data frevvoDS data source parameters username and password to a user that has write permissions to the "Live Forms" database.
- The submissions database setup is now complete.
For your selected database type in frevvo.xml,
- Locate the '''userDS ''' data userDS data source url parameter.<nowiki>url="jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost/users"/></nowiki>. You can change the name "users" to whatever you wish, "Live Forms users" for example. But it must match the database name you create in your SQL server. See verify connection Url below.
- Create a utf8 encoded database "users" (assuming you left the url parameter database name as the default) in your SQL server
- In the Live Forms installation locate the script <frevvo-home>/data/sql/users-<database type>.sql. Ex: for mySQL the script is named <frevvo-home>/data/sql/users-mysql5.sql
- Run that script in the "users" database
- Set the userDS data source username and password parameter to a user that has write permissions to your "users" database.