Note |
Note that the ownerId query parameter is optional when querying any feed but required when inserting a new entry into the feed (more details on this below) |
The user feed represents each user that is visible to the currently logged in user. For all non-administrator users, this feed will always show one user: the current user; for the administrator users it will show all the users in frevvo allowing them to manage user settings.=====
Getting the UserFeed
In order to get a list of all visible users, send the following request to the frevvo Server:<pre>
Code Block |
GET /frevvo/web/tn/{tenantId}/api/users |
The server will respond with:<pre>
Code Block |
200 OK |
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xml:base="http://localhost:8080"> |
<title>Users</title> |
<updated>2010-04-28T17:59:06.337-04:00</updated> |
<link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="/frevvo/web/tn/d/api/users"/> |
<entry xmlns:fd="http://schemas.frevvo.com/fdata/2008"> |
<id>john</id> |
<title type="text">john</title> |
<updated>2010-04-28T17:59:06.337-04:00</updated> |
<link type="application/atom+xml" href="/frevvo/web/tn/d/api/user/john"/> |
<link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="/frevvo/web/tn/d/api/user/john"/> |
<link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml" href="/frevvo/web/tn/d/api/user/john"/> |
<link rel="apps" type="application/atom+xml" |
href="/frevvo/web/tn/d/api/apps?ownerId=john"/> |
<link rel="themes" type="application/atom+xml" |
href="/frevvo/web/tn/d/api/themes?ownerId=john"/> |
</entry> |
</feed> |
Note that since the current logged in user is '''johndoe''' the feed contains only his entry. If the currenty logged in user was the administrator then a full list of all users would be returned by the server. Also note that for this release user feeds are read-only, and so new users cannot be created using the Data API.