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The client is packaged as an executable Java JAR that includes all of the required dependencies and you can download the binaries  from here and the sources from here.==

Running the command-line client


Assuming that you have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE or JDK) version installed, version 1.5 or greater, you can run the client as follows:<pre>

Code Block
java -jar com.frevvo.forms.cli.jar

</pre>This should show you usage information:<pre>

Code Block
usage: com.frevvo.forms.cli.Main


-s,--server <arg> serverl url (e.g. http://localhost:8082)


-t,--tenant <arg> tenant (optional, e.g.


So you if you want to connect to a frevvo install  install running on localhost you can do as follows:<pre>

Code Block
java -jar com.frevvo.forms.cli.Main -s http://localhost:8082


And you should see the command line prompt:<pre>

Code Block



This means that you are up and running, but not yet connected. First you need to log in to a frevvo account. Be sure to create at least one tenant and one user for the tenant before you try to log in. See [[DataAPI_DesigntimeIntegration#Connect_to_a_frevvo_Server_and_Log_In | Connect to a frevvo Connect to an Oracle Forms Server and Log In]] below for instructions.==

How are the sources organized?


The key concept you need to know to understand the sources is the '''Shell'''. Each feed and entry described in the previous diagram will have a corresponding '''Shell''' class Shell class (with the exception of FormTypeTemplateFeed/Entry) that is used to plug into the command line interface the different commands available. The commands available in the app at any given point in time are defined based on what '''Shell''' is Shell is active. When you issue commands in the prompt, you may remain in the same Shell or navigate the Shell tree and change the active Shell. Changing the active '''Shell''' changes Shell changes the available commands at the prompt.

Some commands are not specific to a given shell, but are common across all shells. They are:* '''?list'''

  • ?list - This command will print out a list of all the currently available commands with a brief description and the number of arguments it expects, if it expects any.


  • exit - This is how exit the current shell and 'back up' and and return to the previous one (some commands you execute may activate a new shell). Exiting from the last shell will exit the app.

Here are the shells you can find in this app (all located in the '''*''' package):* '''


























































The FormInstanceShell has no corresponding feed/entry in the Data API. It is used to provide a context for commands that interact with a form instance (e.g. submitting a form, resetting a form, etc)

If you inspect the sources for each of these classes you will notice some methods are annotated with a special '''Command''' metadata Command metadata: this is where we specify what is the command's name in the command-prompt and it's description (used by '''?print''' described  described above).

Now let's move on to some usage scenarios.==

Usage Scenarios


The following topics show how to log in to the frevvo server  server and use the command line API to interact with the server, applications, and forms and flows.===

Connect to a frevvo Server and Log In


The example below shows how to log in to a local frevvo server server. In this example, the login user name is '''david''', the name of the tenant is '''''', and the user password is '''david''' (e.g., '''login david''').
