Code Block |
<%@ page import="java.util.*,com.frevvo.forms.client.*,com.frevvo.forms.client.util.*" %> FormsService service = (FormsService) session.getAttribute ( "frevvo.forms.service" ); if (service == null) { service = new FormsService("http", "localhost", 8082, null); service.loginAs (request.getParameter( "username" ), tenantAdminUserId, tenantAdminPassword, true, null, request.getParameter( "firstname" ), request.getParameter( "lastname" ), request.getParameter( "email" ), null); } session.setAttribute ("frevvo.forms.service", service); |
Embed a form or workflow with authentication
Info |
Make sure you have read and understood the documentation on |
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Now that you have logged in, you must use the FormsService created above to get an embed URL for the form/flow that you want to embed.<pre>
Code Block |
FormTypeEntry ftEntry = (FormTypeEntry) service.getEntry( |
service.getEntryURL(FormTypeEntry.class, "_iAMawOa4Ed-TkpzYF5hpcQ!_MOrvYeV9Ed-6Ft_YAwCXMQ!designer"), |
FormTypeEntry.class); |
String formUrl = ftEntry.getFormTypeEmbedLink(null).getHref(); |
The ID is constructed using the syntax: formTypeId!applicationId!ownerId where:*
- formTypeId is the ID of the form/flow.
- applicatioinId is the ID of the frevvo application containing the form/flow.
- ownerId is the ID of the designer user who owns the form/flow.
You can find the IDs using the Share dialog for the form or flow in question. In the Figure below, the Share URL contains:<pre>
Code Block |
http://localhost:8080/frevvo/web/tn/myt.com/user/designer/app/_Eo5BUQndEeCBmoiAt_ZHPg/flowtype/_BgfQgAneEeCBmoiAt_ZHPg/ |
popupfor |
</pre> *
- The formTypeId (in this case it is actually a flowTypeId) is _BgfQgAneEeCBmoiAt_ZHPg
- The application Id is _Eo5BUQndEeCBmoiAt_ZHPg
- The ownerId is designer
[[Image:Flow_Share_Dialog.png|frame|left|Share Flow Wizard]]
Panel |
Share Flow Wizard |
Once you have the embed URL, embed it in your JSP as:<pre>
Code Block |
<script src="<%= formUrl %>" type="text/javascript" language="Javascript"></script> |
Finding an existing saved form/flow
Info |
Make sure you have read and understood the documentation on |
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Make sure you have read and understood the documentation on |
. |
If your user has a saved form/flow, you can find it and render the saved form/flow instead of creating a new one as described above.<pre>
Code Block |
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); |
params.put("container", true); // Creates a container (HTML table or div) around the form. |
params.put("center", false); // Center the container on the page if desired. |
params.put("resize", true); // Automatically resize the container as the form's height changes. |
// First, check if there is a SAVED task for the formTypeId in question. |
String formUrl = null; |
TaskFeed sFeed = service.getFeed(service.getFeedURL(TaskFeed.class), TaskFeed.class); |
for (TaskEntry sEntry : sFeed.getEntries()) { |
if (!("SAVED".equals(sEntry.getState()))) |
continue; |
if (!sEntry.getFormTypeEmbedLink(null).getHref().contains("_iAMawOa4Ed-TkpzYF5hpcQ")) |
continue; |
formUrl = sEntry.getFormTypeEmbedLink(params).getHref(); |
break; |
} |
if (formUrl == null) { |
// No saved task found. Create a new form instance. |
FormTypeEntry ftEntry = (FormTypeEntry) service.getEntry( |
service.getEntryURL(FormTypeEntry.class, "_iAMawOa4Ed-TkpzYF5hpcQ!_MOrvYeV9Ed-6Ft_YAwCXMQ!designer"), |
FormTypeEntry.class); |
formUrl = ftEntry.getFormTypeEmbedLink(params).getHref(); |
} |
<script src="<%= formUrl %>" type="text/javascript" language="Javascript"></script> |