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The form designer ensures the XML document used to initialize the form is valid for the XSD schema used to create the form. If the XML document is invalid your form will fail to initialize and will display the message "There were problems initializing form".At least one document URI used to initialize the form is invalid. Please check the document at the URI and check it against any schema. Unexpected namespace http://localhost/ddform.xml: was expecting"

One example of an invalid XML document is when the XSD contains a repeating element. If minOccurs=3 and the XML document contains only 2 elements then the document is invalid and your form will display the standard error message.



You must specify the _formTz=<tz> parameter appended to the share URL when initializing a form with date, time or date/time controls from an XML init document, the _data parameter or a business rule that uses the rule identifier,form.load. This is because the form server needs to know the timezone in which to return the date and time. Successful initialization cannot be guaranteed if the &_formTz parameter is not supplied. Refer to Initializing Forms with DataTime Zones for the details.

For Example: the XML document shown below provides initialization data for the Product Order form via a Doc URI set up by the form designer


Copying the Product Order share URL, without the &_formTz=<tz> parameter into a browser session will trigger an error message when initialization is attempted using the XML doucment. 

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Copying the Product Order share URL, without the &_formTz=<tz> parameter into a browser session will trigger the error message in the image below when initialization is attempted using the XML doucment. 


Copying the Product Order share URL, without the &_formTz=<tz> parameter into a browser session will trigger the error message in the image below when initialization is attempted using the XML doucment. 



Adding the &_formTz=America/New_York to the form URL will display the time on the screen in the America/New_York timezone and guarantee successful initialization:
