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OEM partners can use the context parameter, frevvo.oem.branding.class to name a css class that will be placed onto the body of the  UI pages (form designer, etc.). Set the context parameter, frevvo.oem.branding.class  to oem in the web.xml file. The web.xml  file is located in <frevvo-home>Follow the steps below to do this:

  1. Explode the frevvo.war file to a temporary directory. You may have to change the file extension from .war to .zip to unzip it. See Installation Tasks for instructions.
  2. Edit \your temporary directory\WEB-INF\web.xml


  1. to set  the context parameter, frevvo.oem.branding.class to oem.  
Code Block
 <description>This css class will be placed onto the body of the frevvo ui pages. OEMs can then create their own private CSS file(s) with rules based on the body having the oem branding class in order to customize the frevvo app.</description> 

CSS file(s) with rules based on the body having the oem branding class can be created in order to customize the  application. You can create css files from scratch or use the default oem-branding.css file as a guide. Any aspect of this file can be changed. The  oem-branding-.css file  is located in <\tmp>\css-XXXXX, where XXXXX=version number\themes\oem directory of the unzipped WAR. 

OEM partners are responsible for creating the CSS file(s) and putting them into the WAR file. To do this, edit      

      3. Edit \your temporary directory\css-XXXXX\themes\oem\oem-branding.class file to make your changes. The XXXXX in the directory path represents the Revision Number of . For example, the oem-branding.css file will be located in \your temporary directory\css-19498\themes\oem for a version number of will have the oem-branding.css file in  

It is recommended that you modify the default oem-branding.css file to make the desired changes to the  application. Any aspect of this file can be changed. The  oem-branding.css file  is located in <\tmp>\css-XXXXX, where XXXXX\form.pack.css (in the exploded WAR) and add one or more lines like the following:

Code Block
@IMPORT url(“oem_branding.css”); 

The oem_branding.css is the name of the css file containing the specific oem rules.


.=revision number\themes\oem directory of the unzipped WAR. 



Refer to Installation Tasks for the steps to unzip and repackage frevvo.war after parameters in web.xml and any other files have been edited.