Click the Excel
icon at the top of the table to view the submission results in Excel. The spreadsheet reflects the submissions that are displayed in the table (filtered by date).Repeating Data
Forms containing repeat controls will generate multiple rows in the exported Excel worksheet for each form submission -- one row for the submissions itself plus one row for each repeat item added and filled on the form. The Excel workbook groups the data for each submissions. Thus initially it may appear that there is only a single row of data in your workbook with a "..." displayed for the repeating item. Simply click the "+" in the far left-hand side of each row to expand the group and view all your repeating data.
Columns added to the Submission Table will not show in the Excel spreadsheet. See Submission Table for information about how to add a column. For Example:, adding the form ver ID column to the Submission Table will not put a Form Ver ID column in the Excel spreadsheet. This is as designed.
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Time and date time values exported to Excel are submitted UTC values from the submission doc. Time data will be displayed in the Excel spreadsheet in UTC format. For Example: The Product Order Spreadsheet shows the data from two customer orders entered at 9:00 AM and 2:30 PM in the Eastern Standard Time Zone. Time data will be converted to UTC and stored in the xml document. Exporting the submissions data to Excel will show the time data converted to UTC as it is in the xml document. See the Order Time column in the image.
. Notes on Export Column Ordering
The export to Excel spreadsheet function available in the submission repository reporting screen will now export the saved fields in a column order from left to right that matches the saved field ordering on the saved fields dialog (see section 2) as shown from top to bottom.
The submissions export gets a bit more complex with groups and especially with repeating groups. Previously, the export would always maintain fields in groups and repeating groups in adjacent columns. This is no longer possible with user specified ordering of columns. This can make the export slightly strange when you look at it, but the user specified ordering must always work.
Figure 3.1 - SR Export illustrating a break in a group
One outlier case to be aware of is as follows. Suppose a set of saved fields is specified and multiple submissions are made. Then suppose that the designer removes some saved fields, leaving only some others. In any export of the previous submissions, the saved fields shown in the export will be ordered by the current set of saved fields, with any previously saved fields which are present in the submission but not in the current list simply added on as the right-most columns. If a field was saved as part of a submission, it is always included in the export.