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configuration parameters are located in three places:

  1. - created by the System Administrator to override parameters in a container web.xml file. This is most often used when the container is not tomcat. See below for details.
  2. <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml - recommended file to override context-parameters in the web.xml file when using the tomcat container.
  3. WEB-INF\web.xml - this configuration file is included in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps\frevvo.war zipfile. Modifications to this file require unzipping/rezipping the frevvo.war file after the modifications have been made. See below for the instructions. OEM partners can use this file to customize the product in many ways. See Installation Customizations for more information.

The parameters that are most commonly modified and discussed in the sections below are in frevvo.xml. The less commonly modified parameters are in web.xml. Any parameter in web.xml can be duplicated in frevvo.xml and the value in frevvo.xml takes precedence over the value in web.xml. If you plan to override the web.xml context parameter values and you are using the frevvo Tomcat bundle, we suggest doing so in frevvo.xml. This keeps all your modified parameters in one place and makes it easy to upgrade frevvo to newer releases.

A file in a deployment using tomcat seems redundant since it basically does the same thing as the frevvo.xml file. If it does exist , the configuration parameters in the file will override the frevvo.xml and web.xml files.

Modifying the web.xml file

The web.xml file is included in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps\frevvo.war. The frevvo.war must be unzipped/rezipped after modifications have been made as outlined in the steps below:

  1. Stop  if it is running. 
  2. Unpack the frevvo.war file to a temporary location of your choice: e.g. c:\tmp\frevvo-war. Change the file extension from .war to .zip if necessary.
  3. Edit c:\tmp\frevvo-war\WEB-INF\web.xml.
  4. Make the desired configuration changes - see appropriate sections of this page for information on specific parameters. Save the changes to the web.xml file. 
  5. Rezip all the files in the c:\tmp\frevvo-war directory, even the ones you did not edit — if you change directories or zip them differently, Live Forms may not load correctly:

    This is the correct structure for the frevvo.war zipfile.

  6. Make sure you create the zipfile with the directory structure as shown in the image above. It is an easy mistake to include the containing directory in the zipfile. If you do this, Live Forms may not load correctly. Zip will often give your zipfile a .zip extension. Make sure you change this to a .war extension. 

  7. Copy the updated frevvo.war file to <frevvo-home>tomcat\webapps.
  8. Restart your  server.
If you accidentally delete <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml, restart tomcat and a new copy will be created from a pristine one stored in frevvo.war!META-INF/context.xml .

On this page:

Table of Contents



There will be three additional logfiles when running Tomcat as a Windows service:

  • tomcat7 - stderr.YYYYMMDD and tomcat7 - stdout.YYYYMMDD for standard error messages and standard output stream, respectively. This is the default Tomcat behavior.
  • commons-daemon.YYYY-MM-DD.log for Windows Service errors


The following screen displays when a user tries to submit a form from a timed out session.

Editing Submissions

Submissions can be edited via the Submissions Page. This feature is disabled by default for  in-house users. To enable this feature,  add the configuration parameter to the <frevvo-home>/WEB-INF/web.xml.  For more details on the feature that this parameter controls see Editing Submissions. The web.xml file must be unzipped from the frevvo.war before it can be edited. See above for the details. 
