Typically, information about a new employee would include: name, address, SSN, Telephone Numbers, email address and possibly a profile photo. Creating this form for a desktop view would be very simple in the designerthe designer. A form designed for the desktop could look like the image below: Mobile Mobile forms work best when they are broken up into small, logical pieces. The PageBreak control The PageBreak control lets the designer create a mobile layout a mobile layout consisting of multiple pages where each page contains a small number of controls (logical groupings). The user navigates between the pages via Back/Next buttons, or on a device that supports it, by swiping left/right. We will use panels and sections plus the PageBreak control to illustrate these concepts.
Employee Information Form designed for a Desktop browser
- Log in as the designer. Click on Spaces.
- Click to create a new space, type a Space ID and Space Name, and then click Create.
- Since we set the state of the Employee On Boarding flow to Production in a previous step, it will automatically be included, along with the Tsk Task List as a menu item in the newly created space.
- To access your space from a mobile device, in this case, the iPad, click the icon on the Space Home Page.
- Open a browser window on the iPad. Enter the URL for your server i.e. http://<SERVERNAME>:<PORT>/frevvo/web/login
- Logon to your tenant as Tom on the iPad.
- Paste the share URL for the space into the browser on the iPad
- Select the Employee On Boarding flow on the iPad by tapping the icon for it.
- Fill in the screen flow. Use the Back and Next buttons or swipe to navigate the pages of the forms established by the designer's use of the PageBreak control. The Next button will change to Continue when the flow is navigating to a new form. You will only see a Save button if the Save/Load property on the flow has been selected. This property saves a partially complete form/flow on the Live Forms Form Server. Later the user can re-open the form either in the same browser or a different browser or even from a different computer, and reload the partially completed form and continue working on it. Saved forms are accessed from the users Task List. The Cancel button will take you back to the Space menu.
- The Manager's name should be filled in by on the first page of the screen flow if you added the rule to do that from the logon information.
- Check to see that the correct keyboards and date pickers are shown for the iPad.
- The address should be filled in if you implemented the location feature on the Employee Information Form.
- Test to see that you can take a profile picture with the iPad camera and upload it to the Employee Information form.
- Verify that the calculation to compute the W - 4 allowances are working and are yielding correct results on the Allowances form. Check that today's date is filled in the Today's Date field if you added the rule to do so.
- Sign the Wet Signature control using your finger.
- Enter Enter data into the table control on the Education History page. Be sure to try the Degree attained dropdown choices
- Review the data in the W - 4 PDF. Remember, we only mapped a small section of the Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate
- Click the Send to Manager button when the screen flow is complete. Verify your customized message is displayed to the new employee The flow should progress to the Approval phase now.
- Logoff the iPad. Logon to the iPhone as Jerry. Verify Jerry received a task Notification email if you set that up.
- Check that the Employee On Boarding task from Tom Cat shows up in Jerry, the manager's Task List
- Tap the task for Tom Cat's Employee On Boarding information. Since we enabled the Quick View feature, you will see the task information, a field to enter a comment and Approve, Reject, Details and a Cancel button. Enter a comment and approve the task. You can run through the flow again to see what happens if the task is rejected.
- Check to see that the correct completion message is displayed.
- Logon to from a desktop computer as user Sue. Click the Perform this Task icon from Sue's Task List to complete the flow.