Versions Compared


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Print View

All  are printable. By selecting a form's printable checkbox a print  icon will be displayed at the top of your form. When the form is used and the printer icon is clicked the form is rendered in a new browser tab and a pdf document is generated and downloaded depending on your browser settings. The form pdf file can then be printed. 

The name of the pdf file will be <form name>.pdf. This pdf file can then be printed. 

Printable is checked by default. If you un-check this property then the control will not appear in the printed view. This property can also be set dynamically via a business rule by setting <control>.printable = [true|false]


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Form submissions can be converted to PDF documents. The PDF document can be saved in '  Submission Repository, sent as an attachment to a submission email, or as an attachment to a POST to a back-end system such as a document management system.

The Form and Doc Action Wizards for email and post submission control whether or not the form is converted to a PDF document and attached to the submission. You can control which form fields are added to the PDF via the printable property on each field in your form.


A form's print view refers to the pdf (or other image types such as tiff, png, jpg...) generated when the form is submitted (ex: Pdf and attached to an emailed the submission).   You can configure your forms to control which form fields are visible in the printed view. This is done via the printable property set in the form designer. Printable is checked by default. If you un-check this property then the control will not appear in the printed view. This property can also be set dynamically via a business rule by setting <control>.printable = [true|false]. added to the PDF via the printable property on each field in your form.  

Background colors for controls, specified using color names, may not show in the pdf file generated for form printing. If this occurs, try the Hex Value for the color in the Background color field on the Style Properties tab. For example, a background color for a control, specified as pink, will not show up in the form pdf file. Changing the value to #f778a1 will allow it to display the color. Some other colors that may require the Hex value are: brown, cyan, violet, etc. Italics and bold styling of control labels may not show up correctly in the generated pdf.


  • Zip the files back as they were.
  • Upload the zip file to Live Forms as an Application or Designer Theme by clicking the New  icon on the appropriate screen.
  • Create a new form and choose the custom theme from the new form wizard (or if you are editing an existing form, replace the current theme with your newly customized theme).
  • Check Save PDF on the Form Property panel.
  • Test the form with international translations. 
  • Print View and form submission PDFs should be generated with international characters. 



 The image below shows a portion of a pdf generated from a form with a few controls tested with Chinese translation.
