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  1. Click the Doc Action button in the toolbar at the top of the form.
  2. In the wizard that pops up, select the Save to Google Documents button.
  3. Enter your login credentials.
  4. After your login has succeeded, the wizard will show the list of Folders (Collections) available.
  5. Select the collection you created earlier (Leave Approvals).
  6. Choose a name for the Submission Folder. This name should be unique for each submission. The best approach is to choose a combination of controls in the form that will generate a unique name. In our case, we have chosen the name: {EFullName}_{StartDate}. As you remember, there are controls in the form EFullName for the Employee's full name and StartDate for the start date of the leave. Combining the values of these controls creates a unique name.
  7. Click the Finish button.
  8. Your workflow is now configured to save submissions to your Google Apps account.


Connecting the workflow to Digitech ImageSilo/PVE


  1. On the Flows page, click the Test button for your workflow.  will display the first step in the workflow. This is the Leave Approval Request form to be filled in by the Employee. The Employee Information section should be automatically populated.
  2. Fill in the form and click the 'Submit Request' button.
  3. Since the second step in the flow was assigned to the user identified by the {MId} field,  will create a new task and put it on that user's task list.
  4.  will also notify that user that there is a new pending vacation Leave Approval request (these notifications can be turned on/off by individual users). The email address for the user is obtained from that user's profile.
  5. Finally,  will display the Pending Msg that was configured 'Your request has been forwarded to your Manager for approval.' on your screen. 


 includes a built-in Task List for every user. This task list displays all pending tasks, (in our example, pending leave approval requests) for the user. To access the task list:

  • Logout and login as the Manager user ('jerry' in the Figure above).
  • You should see your Task List similar to the Figure above.
  • Click the  icon to open the Quick View of the task that we set up earlier. Jerry, the Manager, can comment, sign the Manager Approval section then quickly accept or reject the request. The Quick View feature makes it very easy for the managers to perform this step of the flow from a mobile device (iPad or iPhone). Refer to the Employee On Boarding Tutorial for more information about designing  running on mobile devices.
  • If you choose to forego the Quick View, the appropriate sections of the Leave Approval request form (the Manager Approval section, in this case) can be viewed by clicking the detail button. Clicking The same display can be seen by clicking on the on the  perform this task icon  instead of the Quick View displays the the Manager Approval section of the form.icon. 

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  • Notice that the Task List displays the message "Leave Approval for Tom Cat" which is obtained from resolving the Summary field in the Quick View wizard. If you left the Summary field blank, whatever was entered into the Task Info field for this step in the flow will display.
  • You can view an audit trail or modify the task by clicking the appropriate icon.
  • Approve the task via the Quick View screen by clicking on the Approve button. You can run the workflow a second time to verify what happens if you reject it. If you chose not to use the Quick View, click the  perform this task icon. Jerry, the Manager, reviews the information, fill fills out the fields in the Manager Approval section and clicks the 'Sign this section' button to digitally sign the form.
  • Click Send to HR to send the request to HR for approval.
