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We'll setup the workflow so that the Leave Approval documents - a PDF and other data - will be stored in your online Google Apps account.

Create a



The first step is to sign into your Premier Google Account and create a folder. All leave approval documents will be stored in this parent folder. We'll create a folder called Leave Approvals.

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Use the Google Documents wizard

  1. Click the Doc Action button in the toolbar at the top of the form.
  2. In the wizard that pops up, select the Save to Google Documents button.
  3. Enter your login credentials.
  4. After your login has succeeded, the wizard will show the list of Folders (Collections) availableFolders available.
  5. Select the collection the folder you created earlier (Leave Approvals).
  6. Choose a name for the Submission Folder. This name should be unique for each submission. The best approach is to choose a combination of controls in the form that will generate a unique name. In our case, we have chosen the name: {EFullName}_{StartDate}. As you remember, there are controls in the form EFullName for the Employee's full name and StartDate for the start date of the leave. Combining the values of these controls creates a unique name.
  7. Click the Finish button.
  8. Your workflow is now configured to save submissions to your Google Apps account.



Skip this step and go to Setup Additional Email if you are not using Digitech ImageSilo/PVE.

We'll setup the workflow so that a Leave Approval PDF document is stored in your online ImageSilo/PVE project.


Use the ImageSilo/PVE wizard

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  1. In the wizard that pops up, select the Save to ImageSilo or PaperVision Enterprise button.
  2. Enter your login credentials.
  3. After your login has succeeded, the wizard will show the list of Projects available.
  4. Select the project you created earlier (Leave Approvals).
  5. In the Send Snapshot drop down, select PDF (or any of the other available options if you prefer).
  6. Click the Next button.

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  1. On the next screen, the index fields from the project are displayed.
  2. For each index field, you may select a form field to map it to. At runtime, the index fields will be populated from the values in the form.
  3. Your workflow is now configured to save your document to ImageSilo/PVE.

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[Optional] Setup Additional Email


  • If you chose not to use the Quick View, click the  perform this task icon. As Jerry, the Manager, you will review the information, fill out the fields in the Manager Approval section and click the '"Sign this section" button to digitally sign the form.
  • Click Send to HR to send the request to HR for approval. 

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  • Logout as Jerry the Manager and Login as a user with the HR role ('hanna' in our Org Chart above). The Quick View feature is not configured for this activity of the flow so only the Manager Approval and HR sections of the Leave Approval request form will display based on the roles assigned earlier.
  • Hanna must review the information and filling out any needed fields, then click the 'Sign this section' button to digitally sign the form.
  • Click the Finish button to complete the workflow. 
  • The Form and Doc actions will now be performed: a PDF will be saved to Google Apps or to ImageSilo/PVE as configured, an email will be generated and sent to the original requester (Tom) and a confirmation message will be displayed on the screen.

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  • Click the   icon to view the Audit trail for the flow
  • The audit trail now contains information for steps performed by both Tom, Jerry and Hanna visible at a glance assuming you setup the History Msg as described above. If you did not setup the History Msg, it will be omitted.
