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We'll setup the workflow so that the Leave Approval documents - a PDF and other data - will be stored in your online Google Apps account.


This tutorial assumes you have already copied the google.war file from <frevvo-home>/ext/connectors to c:\frevvo\tomcat\webapps.

Create a Folder

The first step is to sign into your Premier Google Account and create a folder. All leave approval documents will be stored in this parent folder. We'll create a folder called Leave Approvals.


Use the Google Documents wizard

  1. Click the Doc Action button in the toolbar at the top of the form.
  2. In the wizard that pops up, select the Save to Google Documents button.
  3. Enter your login credentials.
  4. After your login has succeeded, the wizard will show the list of Folders available.
  5. Select the folder you created earlier (Leave Approvals).
  6. Choose a name for the Submission Folder. This name should be unique for each submission. The best approach is to choose a combination of controls in the form that will generate a unique name. In our case, we have chosen the name: {EFullName}_{StartDate}. As you remember, there are controls in the form EFullName for the Employee's full name and StartDate for the start date of the leave. Combining the values of these controls creates a unique name.
  7. Click the Finish button.
  8. Your workflow is now configured to save submissions to your Google Apps account.


We'll setup the workflow so that a Leave Approval PDF document is stored in your online ImageSilo/PVE project.


This tutorial assumes you have already copied the pve.war file from <frevvo-home>/ext/connectors to c:\frevvo\tomcat\webapps.

Create a Project

The first step is to create a Project in ImageSilo/PVE. All leave approval documents will be stored in this project. We've created a project called Leave Approvals and setup index fields Name, Leave Start Date, and Number of Days.
