Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


These wizards optionally allow you to customize what the user sees if an error occurs. You can either display a message or forward users to a web page of your choice. The wizards behave exactly like the corresponding Form Action wizards above. The Display message can be customized to display the actual error that occurred by adding the special {frevvo_root_cause_msg} template to your message text. This is helpful for debugging, especially if your are using Online.

Using Templates in Form/Doc/Error Actions

The values set in the following wizards can be customized with data from the form:

  • Display a message
  • Forward users to a web page
  • Post data and forward users to a web page

For instance, in the display message, you may wish to display a customized message with the user's name. You can use templates in the display message to do this.

  • Make sure you have two controls in the form called FirstName and LastName.
  • Click on Form Action
  • Click on Display a Message.
  • In the Message area of the wizard, type: Thank You {FirstName} {LastName} for submitting my form.
  • As a shortcut, you can also select the appropriate control from the drop down immediately below the Message area.
  • Click Finish.

Use the form by clicking on the Test button. Enter something into the First Name and Last Name controls. When you click submit,  will display the above message with {FirstName} and {LastName} replaced by the values entered by you.

Templates work the same way when used in URLs for forwarding to a web page or Post data. When referring to repeat controls you must use a special template syntax. See templates for repeat control for details.

There are built-in templates you can use:

  • {frevvo_root_cause_msg} - Add this to the Error Action Display Message to display the actual error that occurred.

Doc Action Wizards

The doc action wizards configure what happens to the entered data when a user submits your form. See Doc URI Wizards below for details on using the wizards to config the doc URI settings. Please also refer to the processing submissions tutorial .

This wizard has three tab as show in the screen images below:



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Using these wizards you can:

  • Do nothing with the data
  • Email the data to an email address
  • Post the form data to your web application
  • Format and Email the data using a Google Document
  • Save the data to a Google Spreadsheet
  • Save the data to PaperVision®/ImageSilo®
  • Save the data to a Google App Account.

The wizards help guide you through the configuration process. Many of the wizards allow you to use form controls as templates to dynamically configuring wizard parameters hard coding this. For example you can dynamically set the email address to send the data to instead of hard coding an email address. See the section on using templates in doc action/doc URI wizards for full details.

Do Nothing

This is the default option, which simply stores the data in ' submissons repository if desired. (The other options also store the data in the repository if desired, but provide additional functionality.)

Do nothing is typically selected when you plan to do one or more of the following: 

The form's save property controls whether or not your form submission data is also stored in ' submission repository

Email Data

When the form is submitted,  will send an email message with the submission data, an optional XML document(s) , and optionally an image of the filled form via the Send Snapshot dropdown. The email can be sent to multiple comma separated email addresses. See Email Integration for further details. The "To:" email address is required. All other properties are optional.


The tenant admin can configure the from email address on the tenant admin's Edit Tenant page.


Save to PaperVision® /ImageSilo®

 integrates directly with Digitech Systems' PaperVision® and ImageSilo® document management products. This Wizard enables an easy way for you to save form submissions to your PaperVision® and ImageSilo® document management repository as PDF, TIFF, .JPG and .GIF format.

The wizards walks you through simple steps to login to your PaperVision®/ImageSilo® account:

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To select the correct PaperVision®/ImageSilo® project where you want to store the form submission:

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And finally to map your form fields so that the entered form field values become the index field values for your document.

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Now when a users fills and submits your form and image of the form and any uploaded attachments will automatically be stored into the selected PaperVision®/ImageSilo® project. The document's index fields will be set to the values the user entered into the form.

See  ImageSilo® integration for full details. 

Save to Google Documents

Form submissions can be saved to your Google Apps Premier account. See the documentation for Connecting to Google Apps for full details. Also refer to the Leave Approval Workflow Tutorial for step by step instructions.

Post Data

When the form is submitted,  POSTs the document set to the specified URI and ignores any returned XHTML or redirect. This option may be used for additional processing of data. Use form action post if you want to both submit data to your URI and forward to a web page or display returned XHTML.

You have the option of also sending a filled form image using the Send Snapshot dropdown as well as sending an XML attachment containing the form data.

Format & Email Using a Google Document


Tthe Google Document wizard is deprecated. The standard Email wizard now supports HTML and CSS formatting plus form fields templates to pull an data entered into the form into your email message subject and body.

 supports direct connectivity with Google Documents. This wizard allows you to format an email message using an online Google Document.

After the user submits the form, the data will be formatted using your google document and then emailed to the addresses of your choice. The wizard supports multiple comma separated addresses. This wizards steps you through the process of logging into your google account and locating the document you want to use to format the message. See the  Google Connector for details.

Here is an example of a form submission that was formatted using a Google document.

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Additional Email Wizard

When the form is submitted,  can send an additional email message with the submission data, an optional XML document(s) , and optionally an image of the filled form via the Send Snapshot drop down  The email can be sent to multiple comma separated email addresses. The "To:" email address is required. All other properties are optional.

This is in addition to any document action you may have configured. For example, consider a Vacation Request Approval workflow. When the workflow is complete, we want to send a PDF to the internal HR system (using the document action) but in addition, we want to notify the employee requesting the vacation by email. Use the Additional Email wizard for this scenario.

To use the wizard, click Doc Action in the toolbar at the top of the form and select the Additional Email Tab. See  Email Integration for further details on configuring the content of the email.

Doc URI Wizards

The doc URI wizards enables you to manually set a URI to which the data will be sent when your form is submitted. The Google Spreadsheet wizard provides additional assistance in setting up the login to your google account and in selecting the spreadsheet.

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Using these wizards you can:

  • Unset the document URI - do nothing 
  • Save Submissons to a Google Spreadsheet 
  • Manually set document URIs - to connect to database and other back end systems

Unset the Document URI

This is the default option. If one of the other 2 options is set you can clear them by clicking this one.

Save Submission to Google Spreadsheet

 supports direct connectivity with Google Spreadsheets. This wizard allows you to save submissions directly into Google Spreadsheets

After the user submits the form, the data will be written into a new row in the Google spreadsheet. This wizards steps you through the process of logging into your google account and locating the spreadsheet you where you want to save the submissions. See the  Google Connector for details.

Here is an example Google spreadsheet that is updated with a new row each time the form is submitted.

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Manually set Document URIs

For an example of using Document URIs, see  the chapter Integrating with REST Applications and also the chapter on connecting to your database.


Doc Action Wizards

The doc action wizards configure what happens to the entered data when a user submits your form. See Doc URI Wizards below for details on using the wizards to config the doc URI settings. Please also refer to the processing submissions tutorial .

This wizard has three tab as show in the screen images below:

  • Doc Actions
  • Additional Email
  • Doc URIs


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Using these wizards you can:

  • Do nothing with the data
  • Email the data to an email address
  • Post the form data to your web application
  • Format and Email the data using a Google Document
  • Save the data to a Google Spreadsheet
  • Save the data to PaperVision®/ImageSilo®
  • Save the data to a Google App Account.

The wizards help guide you through the configuration process. Many of the wizards allow you to use form controls as templates to dynamically configuring wizard parameters hard coding this. For example you can dynamically set the email address to send the data to instead of hard coding an email address. See the section on using templates in doc action/doc URI wizards for full details.

Do Nothing

This is the default option, which simply stores the data in ' submissons repository if desired. (The other options also store the data in the repository if desired, but provide additional functionality.)

Do nothing is typically selected when you plan to do one or more of the following: 

The form's save property controls whether or not your form submission data is also stored in ' submission repository

Email Data

When the form is submitted,  will send an email message with the submission data, an optional XML document(s) , and optionally an image of the filled form via the Send Snapshot dropdown. The email can be sent to multiple comma separated email addresses. See Email Integration for further details. The "To:" email address is required. All other properties are optional.


The tenant admin can configure the from email address on the tenant admin's Edit Tenant page.


Save to PaperVision® /ImageSilo®

 integrates directly with Digitech Systems' PaperVision® and ImageSilo® document management products. This Wizard enables an easy way for you to save form submissions to your PaperVision® and ImageSilo® document management repository as PDF, TIFF, .JPG and .GIF format.

The wizards walks you through simple steps to login to your PaperVision®/ImageSilo® account:

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To select the correct PaperVision®/ImageSilo® project where you want to store the form submission:

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And finally to map your form fields so that the entered form field values become the index field values for your document.

Image Added

Now when a users fills and submits your form and image of the form and any uploaded attachments will automatically be stored into the selected PaperVision®/ImageSilo® project. The document's index fields will be set to the values the user entered into the form.

See  ImageSilo® integration for full details. 

Save to Google Documents

Form submissions can be saved to your Google Apps Premier account. See the documentation for Connecting to Google Apps for full details. Also refer to the Leave Approval Workflow Tutorial for step by step instructions.

Post Data

When the form is submitted,  POSTs the document set to the specified URI and ignores any returned XHTML or redirect. This option may be used for additional processing of data. Use form action post if you want to both submit data to your URI and forward to a web page or display returned XHTML.

You have the option of also sending a filled form image using the Send Snapshot dropdown as well as sending an XML attachment containing the form data.

Format & Email Using a Google Document


Tthe Google Document wizard is deprecated. The standard Email wizard now supports HTML and CSS formatting plus form fields templates to pull an data entered into the form into your email message subject and body.

 supports direct connectivity with Google Documents. This wizard allows you to format an email message using an online Google Document.

After the user submits the form, the data will be formatted using your google document and then emailed to the addresses of your choice. The wizard supports multiple comma separated addresses. This wizards steps you through the process of logging into your google account and locating the document you want to use to format the message. See the  Google Connector for details.

Here is an example of a form submission that was formatted using a Google document.

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Additional Email Wizard

When the form is submitted,  can send an additional email message with the submission data, an optional XML document(s) , and optionally an image of the filled form via the Send Snapshot drop down  The email can be sent to multiple comma separated email addresses. The "To:" email address is required. All other properties are optional.

This is in addition to any document action you may have configured. For example, consider a Vacation Request Approval workflow. When the workflow is complete, we want to send a PDF to the internal HR system (using the document action) but in addition, we want to notify the employee requesting the vacation by email. Use the Additional Email wizard for this scenario.

To use the wizard, click Doc Action in the toolbar at the top of the form and select the Additional Email Tab. See  Email Integration for further details on configuring the content of the email.

Doc URI Wizards

The doc URI wizards enables you to manually set a URI to which the data will be sent when your form is submitted. The Google Spreadsheet wizard provides additional assistance in setting up the login to your google account and in selecting the spreadsheet.

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Using these wizards you can:

  • Unset the document URI - do nothing 
  • Save Submissons to a Google Spreadsheet 
  • Manually set document URIs - to connect to database and other back end systems

Unset the Document URI

This is the default option. If one of the other 2 options is set you can clear them by clicking this one.

Save Submission to Google Spreadsheet

 supports direct connectivity with Google Spreadsheets. This wizard allows you to save submissions directly into Google Spreadsheets

After the user submits the form, the data will be written into a new row in the Google spreadsheet. This wizards steps you through the process of logging into your google account and locating the spreadsheet you where you want to save the submissions. See the  Google Connector for details.

Here is an example Google spreadsheet that is updated with a new row each time the form is submitted.

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Manually set Document URIs

For an example of using Document URIs, see  the chapter Integrating with REST Applications and also the chapter on connecting to your database.

Using Templates in Form and Doc Action Wizards

The values set in the following Form Action wizards can be customized with data from the form:

  • Display a message
  • Forward users to a web page
  • Post data and forward users to a web page

For instance, in the display message, you may wish to display a customized message with the user's name. You can use templates in the display message to do this.

  • Make sure you have two controls in the form called FirstName and LastName.
  • Click on Form Action
  • Click on Display a Message.
  • In the Message area of the wizard, type: Thank You {FirstName} {LastName} for submitting my form.
  • As a shortcut, you can also select the appropriate control from the drop down immediately below the Message area.
  • Click Finish.

Use the form by clicking on the Test button. Enter something into the First Name and Last Name controls. When you click submit,  will display the above message with {FirstName} and {LastName} replaced by the values entered by you.

Templates work the same way when used in URLs for forwarding to a web page or Post data. When referring to repeat controls you must use a special template syntax. See templates for repeat control for details.

There are built-in templates you can use:

  • {frevvo_root_cause_msg} - Add this to the Error Action Display Message to display the actual error that occurred.

The values/entries in all doc action/doc URI wizards can be customized with data entered in the form using templates. Templates work the same way when used in Error Action Wizards as documented above.


Using Templates in Doc Action/Doc URI Wizards