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  1. Follow the Windows installation instructions in the Quick Start Installation Guide: Live Forms™ in-house.
  2. You may configure  as a Windows Service. Follow the instructions below for the configuration details
  3. Continue to Database Setup for more configuration information.

Although we recommend Tomcat 7, we realize that you may have a customized tomcat environment and just want to drop the frevvo.war into it. If it is a tomcat 6 installation, here are some tips :

  1. 5.x requires JDBC4. Tomcat 6 ships with DBCP 1.3, which is compatible with JDBC3 not 4.
  2.  This means that  If there is any customer that must use Tomcat6 they need to update tomcat-dbcp.jar there.
  3. Our frevvo.war requires a javax.transaction implementation jar in the servlet container, since it is not bundled with the war. For Tomcat installs, they can copy the jta-1.1.jar which comes with our Tomcat bundle, and drop it in their own tomcat/lib folder. Full J2EE containers already have the jta jar in the classpath.


Next Steps

Your Live Forms server installation is complete. You are now ready to create your firsts tenant, users, forms and workflows. See the documentation for creating a tenant and users.


  1. Login to  as the tenant admin.
  2. On the page that is displayed, click the "Manage Roles" link.
  3. There are four default roles listed, frevvo.Designer, frevvo.Editor, frevvo.Publisher and frevvo.ReadOnly.
  4. Click the  icon, fill in the form and submit it to create new roles. Minimally create Employee, Manager and HR roles, if you are planning on trying some of the  Tutorials and Webinars.Employee On Boarding Tutorial
  5. Click the 'Back to Manage Tenant" link.
  6. On the page that is displayed, click the "Manage Users" link.
  7. There is a single user (the administrative user you defined when you created the tenant). By default, only users beginning with the letter A are displayed. Note that you will have to click the link to display All users.
  8. To add more users, click the  icon, fill in the form and submit it. Assign roles to the user as desired. Note that you must assign the frevvo.Designer role to any users who wish to design forms.
  9. Create as many users and assign them roles as needed. If you want to try the Employee On Boarding Tutorial, you will need a designer user who can create forms/flows, a user that does not have an assigned role, a user with the Manager Role and a user with the role of HR.
  10. Logout of the tenant admin account.
  11. Login as one of the newly created users with the frevvo.Designer role by filling in the User, Password and Tenant fields. Start building forms and workflows immediately.
