Two of the attachments are Wet Signature images. You can also see the signature information by clicking on the Signature tab. The signature images can be downloaded from the Data or Signature tabs of the form submission. There you will find information about any digital signatures that were stored with the form. See Electronic Signatures for more information.
If the mapped pdf has a severe mapping error such as (Invalid E-form field), the flow will submit and the pdf is generated. The submission is marked in error with a icon in the Submissons table. You will see the error: "One or more generated PDF forms generated with mapping errors. Some information may be missing." on the submission.
You can find information about implementing a work-around that will allow international characters in submission PDFs here.
To get more information, double-click on the submission to view its details, and again hover over the
icon.If the mapped pdf has a severe mapping error such as (Invalid E-form field), the flow will submit and the pdf is generated. The submission is marked in error with a icon in the Submissons table. You will see the error: "One or more generated PDF forms generated with mapping errors. Some information may be missing." on the submission.
Editing Submissions