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configuration parameters are located in three places:

  1. - created by the System Administrator to override parameters in a container web.xml file. This is most often used when the container is not tomcat. See below for details.
  2. <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml - recommended file to override context-parameters in the web.xml file when using the tomcat container.
  3. WEB-INF\web.xml - this configuration file is included in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps\frevvo.war zipfile. Modifications to this file require unzipping/rezipping the frevvo.war file after the modifications have been made. See below for the instructions. OEM partners can use this file to customize the product in many ways. See Installation Customizations for more information.

The parameters that are most commonly modified and discussed in the sections below are in frevvo.xml. The less commonly modified parameters are in web.xml. Any parameter in web.xml can be duplicated in frevvo.xml and the value in frevvo.xml takes precedence over the value in web.xml. If you plan to override the web.xml context parameter values and you are using the frevvo Tomcat bundle, we suggest doing so in frevvo.xml. This keeps all your modified parameters in one place and makes it easy to upgrade frevvo to newer releases.

A file in a deployment using tomcat seems redundant since it basically does the same thing as the frevvo.xml file. If it does exist , the configuration parameters in the file will override the frevvo.xml and web.xml files.

Modifying the frevvo.xml file.

Follow these steps to modify configuration parameters in the frevvo.xml file. You can also   set up your database in this file as well. If you are using tomcat, making your configuration changes here, will make it easier when you upgrade to :

  1. Stop if it is running.
  2. Navigate to <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml.
  3. Open the file with a text editor.
  4. The installation tasks listed below will reference the frevvo.xml and web.xml files when appropriate. You can configure anything in frevvo.xml that you can configure in web.xml. When you add parameters to the file, use the same syntax as the ones already there. Here is an example of a parameter to control the Maximum Size of Attachments that users can upload.
Code Block
<Parameter name="frevvo.attachment.maxsize" value="10485760" override="false"/> 

      5. Save the file after all your changes are made. Restart .

Modifying the web.xml file

The web.xml file is included in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps\frevvo.war. The frevvo.war must be unzipped/rezipped after modifications have been made as outlined in the steps below:

  1. Stop  if it is running. 
  2. Unpack the frevvo.war file to a temporary location of your choice: e.g. c:\tmp\frevvo-war. Change the file extension from .war to .zip if necessary.
  3. Edit c:\tmp\frevvo-war\WEB-INF\web.xml.
  4. Make the desired configuration changes - see appropriate sections of this page for information on specific parameters. Save the changes to the web.xml file. 
  5. Rezip all the files in the c:\tmp\frevvo-war directory, even the ones you did not edit — if you change directories or zip them differently, Live Forms may not load correctly:

    This is the correct structure for the frevvo.war zipfile.

  6. Make sure you create the zipfile with the directory structure as shown in the image above. It is an easy mistake to include the containing directory in the zipfile. If you do this, Live Forms may not load correctly. Zip will often give your zipfile a .zip extension. Make sure you change this to a .war extension. 

  7. Copy the updated frevvo.war file to <frevvo-home>tomcat\webapps.
  8. Restart your  server.
If you accidentally delete <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml, restart tomcat and a new copy will be created from a pristine one stored in frevvo.war!META-INF/context.xml .

On this page:

Table of Contents



There will be three additional logfiles when running Tomcat as a Windows service:

  • frevvoforms - stderr.YYYYMMDD and frevvoforms - stdout.YYYYMMDD for standard error messages and standard output stream, respectively. This is the default Tomcat behavior.
  • commons-daemon.YYYY-MM-DD.log for Windows Service errors


The following screen displays when a user tries to submit a form from a timed out session.

Editing Submissions

Submissions can be edited via the Submissions Page. This feature is disabled by default for  in-house users. To enable this feature,  add the configuration parameter to the <frevvo-home>/WEB-INF/web.xml.  For more
on the feature that this parameter controls see Editing Submissions. The web.xml file must be unzipped from the frevvo.war before it can be edited. See above for the details. 


Configure Palette Controls in the Designer

You can configure the palette to display only the controls that you need or to change the position of the controls in the palette by adding the context parameter:frevvo.palette.controls in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml file. The  The Strings must match exactly but they can be in any order. Remove the name of any controls that you don't want. In all cases, half of the configured amount of controls will display on the left side of the palette and the remaining controls on the right, based on the order in which they are listed in the context paramater. Here  Here is an example showing a designer palette configured with only ten controls; 

Code Block
<Parameter name="frevvo.palette.controls" value="Dropdown,Radio,Checkbox,Section,Repeat,Tabs,Panel,Table,Message" override="false"/>

 The frevvo.palette.controls parameter exists in the web.xml file. Here  Here is an example of the modified configuration parameter that will display only ten controls. Be sure to unzip/rezip the frevvo.war file, as described above, when the changes are complete.    

<description>Which controls are displayed in the palette</description>

 This image shows the Data Sources section moved to the top, the "New from XSD" button hidden and the palette configured for only ten controls. Remember any any parameter in web.xml can be duplicated in frevvo.xml and the value in frevvo.xml takes precedence over the value in web.xml. If you plan to override the web.xml context parameter values and you are using the frevvo Tomcat bundle, we suggest doing so in frevvo.xml.

Modifying Content Types for the Upload Control

The content types supported by  are configured through web.xml using the context parameter: frevvo.upload.file.types. A mime type that is not working for a certain content type can be added to the web.xml file for on-premise customers. Follow the steps above to unzip/rezip the <frevvo-home>/tomcat/webapps/frevvo.war file after the edits to the web.xml file are complete.


Code Block
    <param-value>pdf,MS Word,MS Excel,MS PowerPoint,MS Access,gif,jpeg,png,tiff,rtf,tar,zip,gzip,xml,bmp</param-value>
    <description>Upload Control File Types for restricting upload by type</description>  </context-param>

In addition, there are context parameters for each supported mime type that corresponds to each context type. For example, the context param that has the mime types corresponding to MS Word is: frevvo.upload.file.type.ms_word.mimes. Note the naming convention for the context type part of the parameter - lower case and spaces replaced with _ 


As a preferable alternative, the additional mime type can be typed into the Other Mime/Ex field on the Upload control property pane. Refer to Upload  control for more information.      

Rule Validation Timeout 

Rule validation is executed in a thread pool with a timeout. You can change the rule validation timeout value with the context param in web.xml - "frevvo.rule.validation.timeout". The default value is 2000 milliseconds. If validation javascript execution exceeds this timeout value, the Rule Validator will show : 

Code Block
Form or Rule Level Validation Issue: Validation Failed Rule validation timed out, possibly due to unparseable rule JavaScript.


Max Size Attachment

You can set an upper bound limit server wide for the maximum size of an attachment that can be uploaded via the Upload Control by adding the frevvo.attachment.maxsize context maxsize context parameter in the  web.xml file. See Modifying the web.xml file above for the details. The same result can be accomplished by overriding the property in the container level by modifying the frevvo.xml.file. This is the recommended approach as frevvo.xml is directly editable while the web.xml file is included in the frevvo.war zipfile that has to be extracted, modified and rezipped after the changes are made. To do that:


Code Block
<Parameter name="frevvo.attachment.maxsize" value="10485760" override="false"/> 

      3. Replace the value,102400 in this example, with the maximum size of the attachment that you want. The value must be entered in bytes. The default value is 10485760 bytes.

      4. Restart .


supports IBM's J9 JVM. To use the J9 JVM add the '''algorithm="IbmX509" attribute to the frevvo/tomcat/conf/server.xml's HTTPS <Connector> element. So, instead of this:

Code Block
    <!-- HTTPS Connector : add algorithm="IbmX509" when using IBM's J9 JVM -->
    <Connector port="8443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" SSLEnabled="true"
            maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false"
            sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreFile="${catalina.home}/conf/keystore" keystorePass="password"
            connectionTimeout="20000" maxHttpHeaderSize="32768"
            useBodyEncodingForURI="true" />

You need this:

Code Block
    <!-- HTTPS Connector : add algorithm="IbmX509" when using IBM's J9 JVM -->
    <Connector port="8443" algorithm="IbmX509" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" SSLEnabled="true"
        maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false"
        sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreFile="${catalina.home}/conf/keystore" keystorePass="password"
        connectionTimeout="20000" maxHttpHeaderSize="32768"
        useBodyEncodingForURI="true" />

Or, of course, comment out the HTTPS connector altogether if it is not needed.

OEM Branding

There are several installation and configuration tasks and consideration that are typically done only by OEM partners embedding into there own product. Please see Installation Customizations for more details.

Clustered Form Servers

 supports clustered form servers for both high availablity / load balancing and fault tolerance. Please refer to Cluster Configuration for requirements and tasks associated with installation and configuration of clustered form servers.
