- Copy the the Link (Email/Web Page) share URL for one of your forms and append ?_extId=123 to the formtype URL. Open that URL in your browser and start filling in a form. Do NOT submit the form.
- Next, open a 2nd browser tab or window and use just the formtype URL and it will be blank. A new form instance is created.
- Open a 3rd browser tab or window and use the share URL again appended with ?_extId=123, and you'll get back to the 1st instance.
_formActionUrl, _formActionMethod, _formActionTarget
The Form Action can be overridden by using these special (reserverd) URL parameter. The presence of _formActionUrl overrides any Form Action in the Form Designer by specifying which Url to go to when the form gets submitted.
_formActionMethod is optional and can be set to either "get" or "post". If unspecified it defaults to "get" causing the user to get forwarded to this web page when the form is submitted. If set to "post" it will also post the data to this Url.
_formActionTarget is optional and only taken into account when _formActionUrl is specified. It can be set to one of the values: frame, parent, top. It defaults to Frame if not specified.
When the _formActionUrl parameter is set but no Url is given (i.e. ...&_formActionUrl =&embed=...) the top frame will be closed. It is as if you set Form Action to Close" in the Form Designer.
For example... the Url http://www.frevvo.com/....&_formActionUrl=http://www.google.com, will cause the form to display google.com when it's submitted, even if in the Form Designer you had set the Form Action to be "Display Message" or one of the other options.