Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Rules are probably best described by using examples. This chapter contains numerous real world samples.


Show/Hide Manager Approval

 You have a flow and the first form has a Section for manager approval. The Section is hidden by default. Here is an example of a rule that makes the section visible in the second step of the flow which is a linked activity assigned the manager role. 

Code Block
if (form.load) {
  var an = _data.getParameter ("");
  if (an === 'Manager' || an === 'VP'){
    ManagerApproval.visible = true;
  } else {
    ManagerApproval.visible = false;


Code Block
/ Calculate Hospital Stay Duration 
if (A.value !== '' && D.value !== '') { 
    var da = A.value.split('-'); 
    var Ams = new Date(da[0],da[1],da[2]); 
    da = D.value.split('-'); 
    var Dms = new Date(da[0],da[1],da[2]);
    if (Ams > Dms) { 
        Days.value = 'Discharge date must be after Admission Date'; 
    } else { 
        Days.value = (Dms - Ams) / (1000*60*60*24) + ' days'; 




Between Date


and Time



Here is a rule example to calculate the time difference between two Date/Time values in hours:minutes format :  

Code Block
 if (StartDateTime.value !== '' && EndDateTime.value !== '') {
    var d = StartDateTime.value.split('-');
    var d1 = d[2].split('T');
    var t = d1[1].split('Z')[0];
    var t1 = t.split(':');
    var startDate = new Date(d[0],d[1],d1[0], t1[0], t1[1], t1[2]);
    d = EndDateTime.value.split('-');
    d1 = d[2].split('T');
    t = d1[1].split('Z')[0];
    var t1 = t.split(':');
    var endDate = new Date(d[0],d[1],d1[0], t1[0], t1[1], t1[2]);
    var diff = endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime();
    var hours = Math.floor(diff / 1000 / 60 / 60);
    diff -= hours * 1000 * 60 * 60;
    var minutes = Math.floor(diff / 1000 / 60);
    TimeToComplete.value = (hours < 9 ? "0" : "") + hours + ":" + (minutes < 9 ? "0" : "") + minutes;
