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Business rules are added by editing your form or workflow. Click the Rules button in the form designer toolbar shown below to add new business rules and edit any existing rules in your form.

You may create a new rule by clicking on the icon. Your new rule is given a randomly generated name. You can edit the name as described below.

Each rule has three icons. Each is described below.

  • Click the icon to edit an existing rule. You can edit the name, description and statement (JavaScript code) for the rule.
  • Click the icon to delete a rule. Confirm your choice in the dialog that pops up and the rule will be immediately removed. This is an irreversible process so make sure you do not need the rule before you delete it.

Rules can be temporarily disabled by unchecking the ''enabled''' checkbox visible by opening a rule for edit.


 On this page:

Table of Contents


  • form.load : This property is true when the form is first loading. It is useful for setting default values via rules that you need to be set before the user starts interacting with the form. This also holds true for flows. This property is true when each step of a workflow is first loading.
  • form.unload : This property is true when users click the form's submit button. It is useful for setting control values just prior to the execution of the form's Doc Actions and Form Actions. This also holds true for flows. This property is true when the user clicks the continue button for each workflow step.
  • form.positionUpdated : This property is used for the Geo location feature. You can fire a rule using this special identifier every time the position is updated.

Examples of identifiers used in  rules are:


To set the timeout to 15 seconds set value="15000"

Rule Execution Priority

This experimental features lets you control the order of execution in complex rules usage. There is no UI for this feature. Please contact customer support for information.

An example usage: Rule1 is called when multiple form field values change. Rule2 has many XXX.value = ... that would trigger Rule1. If the rules engine happens to always picks Rule2 to execute first, you would execute Rule1 more than is needed. While rule ordering doesn't cause a behavior issue, if Rule1 happens to perform a more time consuming operation such as retrieving data from a database, this may cause a performance issue. Rule execution priority enables you to tell the rules engine to execute Rule1 before Rule2. Then each subsequent call to Rule1 would be prevented.

Rules and Repeating Controls
