Section | |||||||||||
Tip |
If you add or remove applications or add or remove forms or flows from applications, and you want to update the space that contains them, a quick way to do that is to delete the old space and create a new one. You can use the same name as the original space. The new space will contain all your current applications, and all deployed forms, and flows. Customizations made to the space, such as adding your logo or HTML will have to be redone. If you do not want to redo your customizations, edit the Tab Menus manually. |
Relative URLs
Menu items are created using URLs relative to the application root, i.e. /frevvo/web/… The use of Relative URLs can help avoid issues that might be cause by hardcoded hosts, protocols (http vs https) and ports and improves portability. It is the recommended best practice to use Relative URLs when Adding a Tab and Forms/Flows to the Space menu.
When you create a new space, you will see:
Code Block | ||
| ||
* Important Items
** Task List|/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/subject/{}/tasks?embed=true
** My Account|/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/subject/{}/profile?embed=true&edit=true
** Shared Items|/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/subject/{}/shared?embed=true&hidenav=true
** Expense Report|/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/u/8aa27da6-4bef-427c-92e3-6ad8d58e506a/space/v73space/home?embed=true |
instead of
Code Block | ||
| ||
Important Items
** Task List|{}/tasks?embed=true
** My Account|{}/profile?embed=true&edit=true
** Shared Items|{}/shared?embed=true&hidenav=true
* HR
** Expense Report| |
Edit a Space
to display your space in the space editor. The editor displays your space as it will appear if you share it with others. The editor also includes a Properties panel at the left of the space, a toolbar at the top with Finish and Cancel icons, and editing tools you can use for the three panels in the body of the space, the logo area, and the application and Task List tabs....
Adding an Anonymous Signup form link
You can add the URL to an anonymous signup form for your tenant. Users can create a user account in your tenant using this published registration URL. The designer does not have to create the form, the URL shown below accesses the Add User Anonymous Register form included with . When thsi form is submitted, the user receives an activation email which enables the account.
You must check Anonymous Users in your tenant to take advantage of this feature. Also, there is an invisible control on this form which requires the tenant name. The form will not submit if this field is left blank. Append the _data parameter to initialize the control with your tenant name: