- <host> - the URL for the web server on which you deployed database.war.
- <port> - port where the container is listening for http requests. This defaults to 8082 if the database connector was deployed in the tomcat bundle or port 8081 if you are running the Database Connector in Standalone mode.
- <queryset name> - queryset name defined in the database connector configuration file.
- <query name> – query name defined in the database connector configuration file.
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LogfilesThe Database Connector uses SLF4J with logback, which is the same logging infrastructure used in . Log MDC entries for configuration path, the querySet name, the query name, correlation.id, tenant id, subject.id. These will be captured when processing client requests.
It is very often useful to know the database and database driver name and version that is being used. This information can be found in the logfile. An example is shown below:database connector logging output is very helpful for troubleshooting database SQL issues.
The database connector logs version information for each datasource definition as it makes initial contact with your database(s).
Exceptions are properly logged with their stacktraces. This makes it easier to diagnose errors, which sometimes are frevvo/DBConnector specific and sometimes database specific. All JDBC statements are logged in the DEBUG logging level. This includes To log the actual SQL statement used, the actual arguments, the number or rows returned and whether it was successfulsuccess status, set logging level to INFO. There are different logfiles for the Standalone and tomcat bundle installations. Standalone modeThree logfiles are created in theThere are four logfiles in <db-home>\database\database-connector-2.5. 3x\logs directory:
Turning on DEBUG level loggingin Standalone Mode:
Tomcat bundleWhen debugging database queries refer to output error messages in The database connector writes all output to a single logfile <frevvo-home>\tomcat\logs\database-connector.YYYY-MM-DD.log Turning on DEBUG level loggingLog levels are controlled by the logging.level.com.frevvo.connectors.database property. To change the log level to DEBUG when using the tomcat bundle, follow these steps:
Switch the Database Connector log in JSON formatLogging output defaults to text format. To switch to JSON format, add thisproperty to the frevvo-config.properties for the frevvo-tomcat bundle or to dbconnector.properties file for the standalone bundle.