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A space is a web site that organizes and displays applications, forms, workflows, tasks, etc. A space has a tab for each application, and each tab has a drop-down list of the deployed forms/flows in that application. Forms/flows with a visibility of public in tenant or private appear when the user logs into . When you click on a form or flow name, the space opens the form in the page. A space also has a home panel and two optional panels at the left and at the bottom of its page. You can edit the content of any of these panels; you can also choose not to include the optional panels. You can apply a style to a space as you do to forms/flows. The selected style will be propagated to forms, flows and the Task List.

Spaces can be used to simplify accessing forms/flows/Task List from your iPhone or iPad. You can add thumbnail icons to your forms and flows and the space will display on mobile devices as shown below.
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Adding an Anonymous Signup form link
You can add the URL to an anonymous signup form for your tenant. Users can create a user account in your tenant using this published registration URL. The designer does not have to create the form, the URL shown below accesses the Add User Anonymous Register form included with . When thsi form is submitted, the user receives an activation email which enables the account.
You must check Anonymous Users in your tenant to take advantage of this feature. Also, there is an invisible control on this form which requires the tenant name. The form will not submit if this field is left blank. Append the _data parameter to initialize the control with your tenant name: